April 19th, 2024

Team Huddle

Repentance and Righteousness: The Cure for a Global Pandemic

Whenever there are plagues or pestilence in the earth, repentance and righteousness are still the cure. Here's what God desires of His people.

Online Church During a Crisis: 7 Tips for Better Online Worship Services

The necessity and convenience of online church are undeniable, especially in a crisis. Try these 7 tips to improve your church's online worship experience.

3 Ways to Prosper in Business During Uncertain Times

Tough times may come as a Christian business owner. But, because God will never leave us, we are still guaranteed to prosper if we do these 3 things.

Fear: The Uninvited Guest

When fear comes to our door, we have to protect every opening from its tricks and lies. Here's how to combat fear with a few plays from our Playbook.

4 Ways to Grow Faith That Outweighs Fear and Worry

Fear and worry will try to sentence your faith to death row. Don't let them. Try these 4 practical strategies for unshakeable faith.

