September 7th, 2024

3 Powerful Prayers to Pray When You’re Expecting a Baby


As a mother of five who is expecting, I’ve encountered the joys and pains of expecting a baby. For some, pregnancy is one of their answered prayers and desires filled with joy, anticipation, and bliss. Contrarily, others welcome the news with worry, stress, and regret.

I don’t know where you may find yourself, but whether your news of expecting a baby was accompanied by joy or sorrow, one thing to remember is that nothing happens without the consent of God. People are intimate all the time, yet each intimate encounter does not yield a child.

There is a divine purpose for God sending this little person your way.

When the Bible talks about children, you cannot find where it says that children are anything other than a blessing from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). It is spiritually, mentally, and emotionally healthy to maintain this perspective. If you are worried or stressed and maintaining this attitude, you can overcome your anxiety with faith – knowing that this child is an inheritance from the Lord.

Sure, you are human and challenges are inevitable when expecting a child, both naturally and spiritually. The effects of having a child are not only felt on the mother (who carries) but the fathers as well. These challenges can include thoughts, financial hardships, emotional and physical distress. Still, no matter the struggle, the best way to combat these changes is to take everything to the Lord in prayer.

Pray While You Wait

expecting a babyI learned a long time ago about the power of the tongue relating to prayer. The Bible says both death and life lie in its power (Proverbs 18:21). At times, it’s easy to fall into silence as we encounter an unknown. I believe that silence is a weapon of the enemy during trials. It keeps us from utilizing the power in our mouth. Imagine being in a boxing ring with an opponent and never fighting back with one punch!

While God’s power and abilities are never lacking, some things are not happening because we have failed to make the requests (Matthew 7:7). Indeed, God knows all things (what we need and what we will pray), but in His design of life, some manifestations are reserved in the power of our prayer.

No matter where you find yourself in your 9-month journey, here are three prayers to aid you along the way:

1. Pray for your unborn child.

One thing that my husband and I did as I carried our children was to pray for them. We made declarations concerning their life (health and provision) and pronounced blessings. We didn’t wait for them to be born, we started praying for them early.

God told Jeremiah that He knew him before he was in his mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). This means that there is life even before birth. So, make a practice of praying for your unborn child while they are in the womb.

2. Pray for yourself, spiritually.

One powerful thing I think parents often forget is that not only is your baby a living being, but they are also a soul. As they grow older, Jesus will need to become more than who they know by name, but through relationship.

Think about it, other than God and your spouse, your children are some of your greatest witnesses. The way parents conduct their lives leaves a lasting impression on their children. Pray, parents, to be genuine witnesses of Jesus and for your life to minister to your children. Pray that they are able to see God’s light through you. Pray that God teaches you how to be parents that He is pleased with. It is the will of God not only that people produce children, but that they are a “godly seed” (Malachi 2:15). 

3. Pray for soundness of mind.

Postpartum depression is real. I have experienced it myself. I understand many people rely solely on counseling, which I am not against. The Bible does say there is healing in our confessions to one another (James 5:16). However, the following sentence in the same verse talks about the power of prayer from a righteous person to whom the confession was made.

Spirits that cause infirmity or sickness (Luke 13:11) are very real. These spirits cannot be counseled or medicated out of our lives – they must be cast out (Luke 11:14, Matthew 17:14-18, Mark 9:17-27). That casting must come from someone who possesses authority and power found only in Jesus.


A child is always a blessing. While circumstances may arise that shape your personal experience, always remember the Word of the Lord concerning your child. Additionally, speak life to yourself, believing that you can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13), which includes parenting.

As you wait on the arrival of your blessing, pray. Challenges arise in a variety of forms while expecting a child. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:4 that the battle is not in the flesh or the natural. Some things have to be overcome spiritually through the power of prayer. As we make our petitions known to our Heavenly Father, as long as they line up with His will, He will do it.

God is our provider. David said, “I never seen the righteous forsaken or His seed begging bread” (Psalm 37:25). It is the will of God that His people are taken care of.

Be sure to add these three prayers to your baby journey. God is only waiting for you to make your request known to Him.

I pray this blesses you.

Kristina Bolton
Kristina Bolton, aka The Preachy Writer, is a wife, mother of 5, revelatory writer, author, and preacher. Her first love is God, and her passion is to edify people so they can make it into His Kingdom. She is the author of Charity: The Church’s False Love, available on Amazon.
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