November 2nd, 2024

Team Huddle

It’s Okay to Be Hopeless, and Here’s Why

We all experience seasons of hopelessness. But here's what that hopeless feeling is trying to teach us for our own good.

Don’t Let Fear Unravel Your Faith Cape

Have you ever approached God from a place of fear versus a position of faith? Here's how to shift your mindset from fear to faith.

As Christ Loved the Church: 7 Keys to Biblical Headship for Husbands

What does the path to headship look like for God-fearing husbands? As Christ loved the church, the guidance for husbands is clear.

5 Creative Ways to Pray Without Ceasing

How can we pray without ceasing when life is so busy? Here are 5 creative ways to come before the throne of grace and make our requests known to God.

High-Functioning Christians: 5 Ways to Tell if You’re Free Indeed or Not

Are you free indeed in Christ or a high-functioning Christian? Here are 5 signs that you're settling for less than God's best in your life.

