Friday, February 14, 2025
53.5 F

Team Huddle

Is It Always Biblical to ‘Honor’ Your Father and Mother

Does blind piety damage many parent-child relationships? Here's how Christian families can learn where Confucian culture ends and Paul’s parenting practices begin.

How Good Intentions Can Turn Believers Into Slackers

As Believers, we must guard ourselves against things that rob our focus and purpose. Can good intentions also make us slackers?

4 Big Lessons We Can Learn From Little Children

If we pay close attention, there are many lessons we can learn from little children. Here are four lessons that could change your life.

Where’s the Bloom? One Plants, Another Waters, God Makes it Grow

As one plants and another waters, trust God to make every good work grow. In the meantime, give thanks for one another and the chance to labor with God.

It’s Okay to Be Hopeless, and Here’s Why

We all experience seasons of hopelessness. But here's what that hopeless feeling is trying to teach us for our own good.

Don’t Let Fear Unravel Your Faith Cape

Have you ever approached God from a place of fear versus a position of faith? Here's how to shift your mindset from fear to faith.

As Christ Loved the Church: 7 Keys to Biblical Headship for Husbands

What does the path to headship look like for God-fearing husbands? As Christ loved the church, the guidance for husbands is clear.

5 Creative Ways to Pray Without Ceasing

How can we pray without ceasing when life is so busy? Here are 5 creative ways to come before the throne of grace and make our requests known to God.