December 9th, 2024

His Life Speaks

Freedom From Addiction and the Sweet Aroma of Darkness

When the addiction to sin and darkness overwhelms us, there is a sweeter path to freedom from addiction. Here's one teammate's testimony.

Marriage: God’s Gift to Men

When a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing. The gift of marriage enhances a man's life an dhe pleases the Lord as he loves his wife like Christ loves the church.

Sleep: A Secret Weapon for Men of God

Burn out is real for men of God and growing more common every day. See how sleep and rest affect the lives of men, their families, and walk with God.

Anger Issues, Men, and the Pursuit of Godly Character

I Have Anger Issues, But I Love God. Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to be a man of character in our...

