Sunday, March 9, 2025
47.9 F

Christy Mercer Forbes

With a love for teaching and a passion for financial planning, Christy has built a reputation for providing trustworthy financial and real estate advice to clients for over 15 years.  She is a licensed Realtor/Broker in North Carolina, as well as an experienced Retirement Professional for a Fortune 100 financial services organization.  She loves volleyball, bowling, tutoring math, and aspires to be an author.

Waiting When Weary: God is Worth the Wait

Waiting is one of the hardest things to do. But, we can believe that when we wait on God, He makes the wait worthwhile.

Coping with Loss and Disappointment: Deal or No Deal?

Are you coping with the loss of a loved one, divorce, job, or relationship? Here are a few tips to help you deal with the pain and disappointment.

Get in Formation: Be Led by the Spirit, Not Your Emotions

My Page in the Book of Christian Singles I have a little story to tell you.  I don’t gossip about...

4 Must-Follow Rules for Building a Strong Financial Legacy

Some of the most rewarding experiences of my life happened in college. For example, I learned how to be...

Free at Last: Controlling Student Loan Debt

I’m free. The two words my sister reflects on today regarding paying for college for her first born child.  As...