September 7th, 2024

Christianity Today


Exclusive articles:

Adam’s Aloneness Wasn’t Just His Singlehood

It is not good for man to be alone, but is there a difference in being alone and singlehood? Let's explore.

Comfort for Parents Through the Lens of Ecclesiastes

When parents read Ecclesiastes through this lens, they find comfort and guidance in a world where there is truly nothing new under the sun.

Abortion in America: What Came Before and After the Ultrasound

From word pictures to video games, prenatal visualization technology has expanded our empathy for the unborn.

Dr. Thema Bryant Bridges Trauma Healing and the Church

New American Psychological Association president, Dr. Thema Bryant, helps break Christian stigmas around therapy.

10 Biblical Words and Phrases I Wish Christians Had in English

Learn how the biblical words of the indigenous in Panama, people in Siberia and in Papua New Guinea shape their understanding of God.


Trolls Band Together in Theaters November 17th

Nothing's Stronger Than Family Harmony About This holiday season, get ready...

Are State Laws the Solution to Kids’ Access to Porn?

As data continues to show the harms of viewing porn, particularly for children, support for stricter legal limits on pornographers has grown.

The Burial: A Glimpse Into the Life of William Gary

The Burial: Based on a True Events About Inspired by true...

Pandemic Restrictions Had No Lasting Effect on Churches, Study Finds

Even in states where regulations were severe, most congregations moved on quickly. Jeff Schoch was ready to be done with COVID-19 health safety regulations. Like most ministers in the US, the pastor of Crossroads Bible Church in San Jose, California, did his best to comply with the many pandemic rules imposed by state and local governments. But as soon as they were lifted, he wanted to put them all behind him. He quickly tore down the state-mandated signs about social distancing, hand washing, and masks. “I got rid of every visual reminder in the church,” Schoch told CT. “I was anxious, personally, to make that a memory.” Across the country, Protestant congregations are dealing with the long-term impacts of the pandemic. A new, extensive study by Arbor Research Group and ChurchSalary, a ministry of Christianity Today, found that a lot of pastors are still in crisis. Some furloughed staff members haven’t gone back to work. And even when attendance numbers have rebounded, there are still people missing from many congregations. Christian leaders will likely be grappling with the fallout from COVID-19 for years to come. But, surprisingly, state-level pandemic restrictions had no measurable, lasting impact on American churches. Even in places like San Jose—where the county government imposed some of the strictest rules in the country, the restrictions changed frequently, and authorities aggressively went after churches they said failed to comply—pastors like Schoch were able to just move on. The data doesn’t show any adverse effects from the government regulations. Eric Shieh, a research consultant for Arbor Research, said that surprised him. “You would think that the restrictions made things tougher for churches. They didn’t meet as much, and so you’d ...Continue reading...