Thursday, March 27, 2025
60.7 F

Kim Brightness

As Publisher/EIC of Team Jesus Magazine, Kim Bright(ness) loves to provide uplifting and informative content on Kingdom living excellence. As an author, producer, and media buyer with over 25 years in marketing and advertising, you can always find Kim writing/editing, consulting, covering Christian events, or advocating for trauma-healing and inner beauty on her Live and Learn Show.

Shooting Stars Review: Young Lebron James & Friends, Managing the Pressure

Shooting Stars, depicting Lebron James and his childhood friends, gives us a glimpse of unity under pressure and bonds that last a lifetime.

Creed III Review and Michael B. Jordan’s Two-Word Sermon for Facing the Past

CREED III, ready to rumble on March 3rd. Read our review, including Michael B. Jordan's two-word sermon for viewers facing their past.

Where’s the Bloom? One Plants, Another Waters, God Makes it Grow

As one plants and another waters, trust God to make every good work grow. In the meantime, give thanks for one another and the chance to labor with God.

It’s Okay to Be Hopeless, and Here’s Why

We all experience seasons of hopelessness. But here's what that hopeless feeling is trying to teach us for our own good.

As Christ Loved the Church: 7 Keys to Biblical Headship for Husbands

What does the path to headship look like for God-fearing husbands? As Christ loved the church, the guidance for husbands is clear.

5 Creative Ways to Pray Without Ceasing

How can we pray without ceasing when life is so busy? Here are 5 creative ways to come before the throne of grace and make our requests known to God.

“The Rings of Power” Fires Up Diverse Characters and Stories

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power premieres September 2nd to the buzz of whether it can live up to Tolkien's classic trilogy.

High-Functioning Christians: 5 Ways to Tell if You’re Free Indeed or Not

Are you free indeed in Christ or a high-functioning Christian? Here are 5 signs that you're settling for less than God's best in your life.

5 Ways for Parents to Build Trust in the Eyes of Their Children

Trust is earned - even between parents and children. Here are 5 ways for parents to build trust in their children for a better parent-child relationship.

Easter Sunday Movie: Bringing Laughter & Healing to Families August 5th

Easter Sunday's Jo Koy and Lydia Gaston sit down with Kim Brightness to share the laughter, love, and relatability of the film for families everywhere.

Have Your Issues Become an Idol? Here are 5 Ways to Tell.

How do you know if you've been worshipping your issues, bowing to them upon command? Examine yourselves with this self-test.

You’re Not Fainting, You’re Reaping

In due season, we will reap if we faint not. That fainting feeling is simply a sign that reaping is on the way, here's how!