May 3rd, 2024


Women: Don’t Bury Your Gift of Leadership

Women of God! That persistent sense of calling as a leader isn’t a fatal feminine flaw, but an invitation to walk intimately with God.

Asian Americans Call on the Church to Preach Against Coronavirus Racism

Asian American believers are asking the church to take the lead in opposing anti-Asian racism fueled by the coronavirus pandemic.

Lonely? Bloom Where You’re Quarantined

Many were lonely or grieving long before the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine mandates. Invite Jesus into your lonely places and find strength and comfort.

UMC Split and SBC Votes Wait for Next Year with Conferences Canceled

United Methodist and Southern Baptist conferences have joined the long list of events canceled by the coronavirus outbreak.

4 Ways the COVID-19 Outbreak Impacted Prayer for Italian Christians

The COVID-19 pandemic will change your approach to prayer and your understanding of the lamenting psalms - just ask Italian Christians.

