July 26th, 2024


Haiti Negotiates with Gang, $1 Million Ransom for Each Kidnapped Missionary

Christian Aid Ministries requests prayer for 17 captive Christians, including five children ages 15 to 8 months.

17 Missionaries Kidnapped in Haiti

Ohio-based Christian Aid Ministries said it is working with the US embassy and praying the gang members responsible would come to repentance.

Pew: Government Persecution at Record High, Religious Terrorism at Record Low

Countries with religion-related terrorist activity at a record low of 49 after five consecutive years of decline. Yet 28 nations still suffered more than 50 people injured or killed.

Churches May Be Liable for Boy Scouts’ Abuse Suits

There is worsening friction between the Boy Scouts of America and the major religious groups that help it run thousands of scout units.

Praying for Haiti After Another Devastating Earthquake

Christian leaders in Haiti share what is different for believers between 2010 and now, after another deadly earthquake.

