October 3rd, 2024

Publisher's Desk

Free Indeed: Why Settle for Anything Less Than What Jesus Promised?

Have we been settling for kinda free when Jesus promised us free indeed? It's time to cash in on Jesus Christ's BOGO offer!

Teammate Down: 6 Remarkable Character Traits of a Godly Restorer

There are times in the body of Christ when God calls for us to restore each other. Here's how to develop character as a godly restorer.

3 Wise Things to Do at God-Ordained Roadblocks

Have you hit a roadblock and realize that this must be God at work? Here's what you should do next!

4 Fabulous Ways to Know When You Have Forgiven Someone

How do we know when we've truly forgiven the other person? It may not be a hug, but these 4 signs are good indicators.

Holding Water: Our Role as Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

Did you know that as God's love covers a multitude of sins in others, we also have a role to play? Here's how we co-labor with God under the covers.

