October 23rd, 2024

Don’t Let Fear Unravel Your Faith Cape


Strong Faith When Weak

I remember when I had a serious situation that I was praying about; it was a complicated medical diagnosis.

The doctor’s report shook my family to the core.  Once we received the news, I immediately knew I needed to pull myself together and stand up fully in my role as mother and intercede on behalf of my son.

God, you have to heal my child!”, I cried.  I’m sure at some point I even begged.

I wish I could say that my first response to the situation was that of ‘Mrs. Super Faith’, but to be honest, that day I couldn’t even find my cape.

I was terrified because the diagnosis appeared to be enormous. It was beyond the scope of my life experience. The situation looked hopeless, and my initial prayers were desperate. There were tears and emotion on display, but there was no sign of my faith.

For a while, I had forgotten who I was. Fear had frayed my Faith cape.

I prayed on the situation for months, and while I could see small improvements, I needed to witness a major shift in the situation.  My family needed a boost in their spirits. They needed to see that prayer works.

It’s already done.

obedience is better than sacrificeI had to get into God’s Word. As I read the scriptures, I recognized that instead of pleading with God for the healing, I had to recognize that, by faith, He had already performed what I was desperately asking Him to do.

The work was done when Jesus died on the cross.  The Word says, “With his stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) Please note the phrase ‘are healed’.  This means that the healing took place in the past.

The healing was and is already done!

Even though I had read this scripture countless times before, the Holy Spirit set something on fire inside my heart.

From Fear to Faith

I had to adjust my internal dialogue and move from fear to faith.  Instead of telling myself that the situation was impossible, I began to say:

Today, I choose to live in faith and not in fear.  Lord, I choose to believe your Word that says children are a gift from you, and I thank you for the gift you have given me in my son. Thank you, Lord, that all things are working together for good, and that you are building a testimony in him through this situation.  I have trained him up in the way that he should go, and I thank you, Lord, that he will not depart from it when he is old.

Rather than focus on the symptoms, I choose to focus on your promise of complete healing and restoration, in the name of Jesus.  Instead of focusing on the diagnosis, I choose to keep my eyes on you, almighty God.

Having Done All to Stand, Stand Up!

That day was the turning point. I decided to change my posture in prayer.

I literally got up off my knees, wiped my eyes, and stood up!  I had to physically move from begging and pleading to standing up tall and speaking the Word of God out loud over my situation.  As I began to pray over my son, I felt the strength of the Lord rise up within me.

I declare and decree that I will no longer pray prayers of desperation, but I will boldly stand on God’s promises and confess his Word. Lord, I fully expect you to manifest your healing power in the life of my son in the name of Jesus.

That day, I found my cape and put it back on!

So, What’s the Play Call?

Instead of collapsing under the weight of life’s pressures, I’d like to encourage you to make the choice to trust in the Lord.  Yes, trusting God is a choice. Choose God, choose life!

May I also encourage you to get into God’s word?  Dig in and discover what God has already promised you.

This situation taught me that what I pray is just as important as how I pray. The word of the Lord says that life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).  The words you speak can bring whatever you choose. Be encouraged to speak life over yourself and your own situations.

Don’t be afraid to move from a place of desperation to a position of victory! [Tweet this]

It’s already yours!

Lamica A. Burnett
An aspiring author and new blogger, Lamica Burnett is a mother of 4 and has been married to the love of her life for 21 years. She’s been journaling since age 6 and accepted Christ at age 18. An accountant by profession, Lamica is obsessed with beautiful stationery and all things paper.


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8 years ago

Wow! This was an awesome article! Thanks for sharing your testimony?

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