If you come looking for numbers, you’ve missed the point.
If you come expecting stage smoke and pyrotechnics, you’ve missed the point.
But if you come to the Stand Campaign looking to lift up the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus the Christ – you’re in the right place at the right time.
The war cry of the Stand Campaign | America Prays rumbled through Atlanta at the Georgia Dome on April 2nd. Presented by the Condrey Evangelistic Association’s own Cory (Coco Brother) and Joann Rosario Condrey, the national prayer rally encourages prayer for the nation and unity in the body of Christ. Slated to reach all 50 U.S. states in 2016, the prayer rally is intentionally described as “The campaign that promotes Jesus Christ” in an effort to refocus America on Jesus.
Let the Prayers of the Righteous Avail
The modest, minimalistic stage and backdrop kept the focal point on an old rugged cross podium; the American flag hung flat and high above God’s people ready to humble themselves and pray.
Bishops and pastors from near and far, including Bishop Kibby Otoo, Pastor Paula White, Dr. Bernice King, Dr. Joseph Ripley, Pastor William Murphy III, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Pastor Wess Morgan, Pastor Kimberly Jones Pothier, Pastor Jamal Bryant, Dr. Craig Oliver, Pastor Andre Landers, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Ron Carpenter, and Pastor Marc Pritchett, all took shifts unleashing the sword of the Word of God to lead thousands in continuous prayer over the 4-hour event. Praise and worship leaders, including a Stand Mass Choir comprised of local volunteer singers, lifted the name of Jesus in song and praise.
The prayer rally transcended images of America’s racial divide, and offered a rare glimpse of kingdom citizens united as one. Imagine Bishop Kibby and Pastor Paula White in tag-team prayer warfare, or Clint Brown and Bishop Paul S. Morton on the mic together exhorting the room in worship. No race or gender. No title bigger than another’s. No egos stroked – just Jesus.
The Offer of Salvation and Baptism
“Life is not simple, but salvation is.” Pastor Ron Carpenter, shepherd of Redemption Greenville in South Carolina, opened the invitation to receive Jesus Christ with these 7 words, after a moving call for those who would pray in kneeling or prostrate fashion by Pastor Jamal Bryant. The prayer of salvation for those surrounding the stage didn’t take hours – simply the confession that Jesus is Lord, belief that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9) – sins were forgiven and the ultimate purpose of the Stand Campaign fulfilled.
Two above ground pools provided whosoever will the opportunity to be baptized on the spot in confession of dying to their old self and their new life in Christ.
Kneel to Win
The burden for souls is not an easy burden to bear. The burden for America to turn back to Jesus is not an easy burden to bear. But as teammates on Team Jesus, we have a play call that says, “Bear one another’s burden.” (Galations 6:2)
So, take a stand on your knees, Team! The burden to win souls for Jesus Christ is a TEAM burden; when one teammate scores, the whole Team wins! [Tweet that!]
Let’s all continue to pray with and for the Condrey Evangelistic Association, and other teammates at the front of the battlefield for our Lord.
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