May 2nd, 2024

Fear Not Their Faces: Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ


Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Heart to Heart

One of the biggest fears I’ve battled as a Christian is the fear of sharing the Gospel.

Sure, I have no problem posting on social media or writing articles, but actually talking to a stranger, and even some family members about Jesus (without them prompting me), would give me the heebie-jeebies!

Whenever I’ve seen street preachers in action downtown or on the train, I’d think, “Wow, they’re amazing!” I know this is an extreme example, we’re not all called to go out on the street corner, but we all should be mindful of opportunities to initiate the conversation.

God said His will is that none shall perish (2 Peter 3:9), so we all have to do our part – it’s our responsibility!

When you think about it, accepting Jesus is the best decision any of us ever made – so why aren’t we quick to talk about it like we do when we find a good sale or see a great movie?

News Too Good to Keep to Yourself?


Well, speaking for myself, sometimes I allowed my past to make me reluctant. Why do we do this, Team? We accept Jesus into our lives, fall in love with Him, then somehow we allow His goodness to make us feel so ashamed of our past. We’re thankful and yet still hold on to the shame – shameful thanks, it’s like an oxymoron.

So, then this shame makes us feel disqualified from the Great Commission, and we miss out on moments where we could possibly bring a soul to Christ. The Bible says we are to forget those things which are behind us and press on toward the mark (Philippians 3:13).

Paul isn’t saying that we forget how the Lord delivered us, we just don’t allow ourselves to dwell there. If we are forgiven from sin, it doesn’t make sense to let it consume us. When we realize how good God is, it reveals how wicked we were. But, the Bible says there is now, therefore, no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1).

We are Delivered to Deliver

The Lord told me that those things He delivered me from are what give my testimony weight and validity. Sin didn’t disqualify me at all. With everything I’ve been through, I am OVER-qualified to share the gospel!

Most people don’t even want to hear stories from people who haven’t gone through anything. I didn’t grow up in church – I was a CME member (Christmas, Mother’s Day, and Easter churchgoer). My family was dysfunctional, we didn’t have much, and I had a lot of issues growing up. I dealt with lust, depression, rebellion, and a host of other things that the Lord had to cleanse me of, but this is what people need to hear.

God heals, God restores, and most of all God loves us! He sent His son to die for us while we were in sin (John 3:16). The fact that I got saved at 19 and that God blessed me and took me out of bondage will give people hope. They’ll see that no matter what, it’s never too late.

The Perfect Sacrifice for Less Than Perfect People

Where did the notion that we had to be perfect to be Christian come from? The whole reason that we needed Christ to die for us was that we could never be righteous on our own. As an unlearned, babe in Christ, I spent so much time hating myself, hiding from my past and trying to earn my salvation that I ended up bitter and a backslider. I had to accept the truth that you cannot earn a FREE gift!

I am so glad that God helped me to accept His grace and mercy because I was wearing myself out! In Philippians 3:6-8, Paul talks about this very thing. He says “If anyone thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more. Circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, zealous and faultless based on the law. But whatever my gains, I now consider a loss for the sake of Christ – the surpassing worth of knowing Christ”.

So even as a devout, upright, Hebrew man that followed the law to the letter, Paul still stated that he counted it all worthless compared to the knowledge of Christ.

The fear of not being accepted, facing the past and being transparent with people held me back from evangelism. Lack of transparency is also one of the reasons why non-believers see Christians as hypocrites. I had to come to realize that people will criticize you no matter what and you can’t please everyone. And, if facing my past and being open is what will win souls to Christ, then it’s all worth it!

The Bible says to confess your sins to one another (James 5:16). No sin we struggle with is uncommon (1 Corinthians 10:13). We all get to the point where we have to decide if our fear of people and what they think will override our obedience to the Lord. Every single person was fearfully and wonderfully made with a purpose and a destiny, and we cannot leave all the heavy lifting to the five-fold saints.

So, What’s the Play Call?

  1. When you’re out in the world working or socializing, be mindful and recognize opportunities to share the gospel. Fear not their faces (Jeremiah 1:8).
  2. Ask the Lord to show you how you can effectively lead souls to Him.
  3. Stay strong. Some people may think you’re crazy, but remember one day you will have to give an account to God and only what you do for Him will last.
  4. Intercede for growth in witnessing through prayer.


Jeannette Tyson
I'm Jeannette! Saved by grace at 19 and doing my best to live for the Lord after years of trying things my way. One beautiful daughter, divorced and living just south of Chicago.


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