Friday, February 14, 2025
53.5 F

Ryan Churchill

Ryan Churchill, author of The Covenants, Christ, and You, is first and foremost a lover of God’s Word. In everything Ryan writes, his aim and passion is to encourage others to read God's Word as a pathway to worship and intimacy with their Creator. Ryan’s heart is to teach others to engage Scripture with a new lens so they can see themselves through their Father's eyes, through the eyes of covenant. Get Ryan's free devotionals on peace and communion today.

The Potency and Totality of Worship

Have you struggled with the potency or consistency of worship to God? In today's Bible Study to Go, let's gain a greater understanding of worship.

Beautiful Reasons to Listen to the Voice of God

There's more to following the voice of God than "because He said so." Gain a deeper understanding of the importance of following His voice.

Distracted by Destruction: Staying Focused on Who God Is

How often are we distracted by the desolation we see around us? In today's Bible Study to Go, let's learn why it's important to stay focused on God.

There’s Hope for the Hopeless in Jesus Christ

Every believer will one day experience a moment of hopelessness. Today's Bible Study to GO reminds us that there's always hope for the hopeless in Jesus.

The Safety and Danger of Psalm 91: Rightly Dividing God’s Promise

Psalm 91 is a favorite of many - even Satan tried to reference it! Let's take a look at its promise of God's safety and the subtle ways we can misinterpret the text.

Do Good Men and Women Really Need a Savior?

Do good people need a Savior? Do really nice people ever need to repent? Here's what our loving Father has to say.

The Bible and Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

Though the Bible is centuries old, there's a solid relationship between the Bible and social media behavior. The connection lies in one word...

From Victory to Fear to Victory: What Are You Doing Here?

Today’s Scripture Lesson: 1 Kings 19 On the Run: Elijah, the Slayer of Baal’s Prophets? We join the story of...

Miracle Baby: “What Will This Child Become?”

Who Will This Miracle Baby Turn Out to Be? I’ve always enjoyed the birth narratives from the Bible. The book...

Finding Peace in Thanksgiving

Are You Hungry for Peaceful Holidays? How often do you see the words, “Thanksgiving” and “Peace” used together? PEACE!?!? Are you...

Bless the Lord: How Your Soul Glorifies God

Today’s Scripture Lesson: Psalm 103 I’m going to depart from my typical format today. Instead of asking you to open...

How Self-Righteous Anger Opposes the Righteousness of God

Today’s Scripture Lesson: Psalm 71 As always, before you continue reading, I invite you to open your Bible and read...