Monday, March 31, 2025
63.7 F

Sonya McKinzie

Sonya is a Christian, mom, second-generation domestic violence survivor, victims' advocate, survivors' coach and the founder of Women of Virtue Transitional Foundation, Inc. She is an author of nine books, the creator of The Blogging ThriveHer™, and enjoys sharing the Word of Jesus Christ with the world.

Broken, But Valuable: Don’t Let Brokenness Disqualify You From God’s Purpose

Do you think your brokenness disqualifies you from what God has purposed for your life? Well, think again! You may be broken (for now), but you're still valuable!

COVID-19: Something Has to Break to be Broken, Then Rebuilt

The COVID-19 pandemic may seem like it's breaking us, but what will God do with our brokenness? Go with us on a prayerful walk with the prophet Jeremiah.

Bad News Can’t Thrive in Courageous Prayers

When bad news strikes, it's not the end of the game. Strike back with courageous prayers to God, who's standing by with all we need for the victory.

4 Ways to Grow Faith That Outweighs Fear and Worry

Fear and worry will try to sentence your faith to death row. Don't let them. Try these 4 practical strategies for unshakeable faith.

5 Ways the Bible Equips Parents to Answer Their Kid’s Tough Questions

Kids ask the toughest questions, but parents can rely on the Word of God to help navigate every answer. Here's how the Bible can help.

5 Ways to Relieve Loneliness at Christmas

Loneliness at Christmas affects many people, but the gift of God's love is forever. Here are 5 ways to help relieve loneliness that you can do right now.

Can You Be a Christian and an Introvert?

Are you a Christian introvert who wonders if God can use you for His glory - even though you're not extremely outgoing? Keep reading. God has a plan.

Sleepless Nights? Find Peaceful Rest Through Jesus Christ

Sometimes it's challenging to quiet your mind and get a good night's sleep. Here are 3 ways to find peaceful rest through Jesus Christ.

5 Ways to Eliminate Crab Mentality in the Body of Christ

When the crab mentality strikes the church, we all ban together to lift up the light and freedom of Jesus Christ. Here are 5 ways to do your part.

Creative Christians: Honorable Ways to Use Your Creativity to Glorify God

Every Christian is blessed with creativity in order to honor and glorify God. As a creative Christian, use every gift you have as unto the Lord.

Peace Be Still: Put Jesus in Charge of Your Peace

When your peace starts to turn into frustration and panic, take a page from our Savior, Jesus Christ, and say "Peace be still!"

How to Identify and Deal With Negative Influence

Influencers are a hot topic, but not all influence is good influence. Here's how to identify & combat the negative influence of others based on God's Word.