May 16th, 2024


4 Ways the COVID-19 Outbreak Impacted Prayer for Italian Christians

The COVID-19 pandemic will change your approach to prayer and your understanding of the lamenting psalms - just ask Italian Christians.

The Pandemic in Prison: Remember Those Who Are Incarcerated

Prison facilities are greatly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Here's how Christians around the world can 'remember those who are in prison'.

Iran Releases Several Christian Prisoners Due to Coronavirus Concerns

As COVID-19 halts the Persian New Year, several Christian prisoners are released in Iran, one of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians.

Christians Urge Congress to Incentivize Charitable Giving in Relief Package

As churches and faith-based nonprofits face a decline in contributions, Christians lobby Congress to incentivize charitable giving in response to COVID-19.

How Churches Can Help Students Scrambling After Universities Close

Colleges and universities are slammed by the #coronavirus pandemic. Here's how we can support and encourage students and faculty affected by #COVID19.

