May 2nd, 2024


20 Prayers to Pray During the Coronavirus Pandemic

As COVID-19 sends the globe into crisis, it sends followers of Jesus Christ to our knees. Here are 20 fervent prayers to pray during this crisis.

Racism in the Year of Coronavirus and the Christian Response

During the coronavirus pandemic, don't allow fear and emotion to breed racism in your hearts. Recognize the humanity in everyone without discrimination.

Addicted to Outrage? Here are 4 Ways to Walk a Better Path

Rather than seeing our world through the lens of everything that’s broken, let's use a lens with four main features to quench outrage.

The Gift of Justification Isn’t Just About Me

By justification through Jesus Christ, we are called to extend that same grace to those across the pew and beyond our four walls.

The Surgeon General’s Advice for Churches During the Coronavirus Outbreak

What are best practices for churches during the coronavirus outbreak? Here are the Surgeon General's tips to mitigate the spread of the virus.

