May 1st, 2024

Team Huddle

Seasons Change: 4 Things to Do When You’ve Outgrown Them

We don't always like it when seasons change, but when it's time to move on, here are 4 things we must do. God bless you as you go to the next level!

3 Reasons Not to Quiet Your Bold, Loud Gifts from God

Are you trying to shrink when the gift of God in you is bold and loud? Be OK with being seen and heard for His glory, here's how.

Prayer Under the Microscope: How Much Does Prayer Weigh?

When scientists attempt to put prayer under a microscope, what do or can they find? Here's what one study revealed.

The Ten Commandments: Which One Sets the Tone for Right and Wrong?

Which of the ten commandments sets the tone for right and wrong? None of the other commandments make sense without this one.

Praying Mothers Matter: MONSTER on Netflix, Fri May 7th!

Happy Mother's Day to every praying mother with unwavering faith who kept us lifted and encouraged during the roughest seasons of life.

