May 4th, 2024

Team Huddle

Giving Back: Are You a Cheerful Giver?

It's better to give than receive - do we really believe that? Do you enjoy giving back as much as receiving? Let Jesus' example be your guide.

Wounded Healers: Heal Others With Your Personal Scars

Sometimes, the very scars we endure are the remedy to heal others. You can be a wounded healer and still help others to heal.

Be Ye Perfect: The Easiest Way to Live a Perfect Life

Does the thought of "be ye perfect" make you cringe? Don't stress yourself out, here's how to achieve perfection the easy way.

You Are Not Your Mistakes: 3 Ways to Remind Yourself and Others

People will try to chain you to your past - not so! Here are 3 ways to remind yourself that you are not your mistakes, you are so much more.

Snack Attacks: 5 Reasons Why You’re Tempted to Nibble Between Meals

Do you find yourself constantly fighting the urge to nibble between meals? Take a look at 5 reasons why you may be fighting the snack attacks.

