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April 29th, 2024

Team Huddle

3 Ways to Recognize and Prepare for God’s New Thing

God is rich with new blessings to rain upon His people. The question is - will we recognize the new thing God is doing? Here are 3 tips to answer "yes!"

Racism and the Church: What’s the Play Call for Team Jesus?

When it comes to racism and the church, there is a prescription for all believers, white and black, to follow. Let's talk about it. Watch this video.

Gender Identity & LGBTQ Agendas: The Covert Attack on God’s Creative Authority

Satan has long attacked the creative authority and order of God. How do the LGBTQ and gender-neutral agendas fit in his arsenal? Read on.

Black Panther Lesson 2: Spiritual Colonizers, Their Roles and Tactics

Spiritual colonizers are real. Let's take a close look at spiritual colonizers and how Team Jesus can recognize their roles, tactics, and weapons.

God is Still in Control When Our ‘Normal’ is Out of Control

When your new normal takes you by surprise, know that God is still in control. Good things can come from unexpected change.

