May 4th, 2024

Team Huddle

COVID-19: Something Has to Break to be Broken, Then Rebuilt

The COVID-19 pandemic may seem like it's breaking us, but what will God do with our brokenness? Go with us on a prayerful walk with the prophet Jeremiah.

Eating When We’re Not Hungry: Is the Pantry or Jesus Calling Your Name?

We often find ourselves eating when we're not hungry, especially as many shelter-in-place. But, is that tug you feel your pantry or Jesus calling you?

Party of One: The #1 Reason You Feel Like You’re Walking Alone

Ever feel like you're walking alone, just you and Jesus? Here's how to handle those seasons of isolation, and what you'll gain from time with God.

40 Things You Can Do in 2020 to Have a Better Marriage

A better marriage is available to you and your spouse in 2020 and beyond. Here are 40 things you can do together for the win!

Every Joint Supplies: 3 Reasons Why We Need Each Other

In God's family, every joint supplies what the body needs. As followers of Jesus Christ, let's make sure we're connected so we can heal our families and world.

