Fear of the Unknown That God Knows
I wrote an article about preparing for what you asked God to do in your life. It highlighted the dangers of being unprepared when looking to receive what God has for you. I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately because I believe we’re in a restoration season! We’re taught a lot about perseverance and patience and not as much about how to live in abundance.
Even when you prepare for something you’ve asked for – you can read books, watch videos, listen to teachings – but there’s nothing like the real thing. I talked about how we should always be ready to receive, but now I’m realizing that you can be so overly studied and prepared for something that you get shell-shocked when it actually happens. Balance is something I think we will always have to practice in life.
The Most Prepared Teammate Still Needs God
God is now showing me that even the most prepared person must trust in Him.
For me, that is the hard part. Not that I don’t trust God, I’m learning to walk by faith in new situations, actually doing it. We have to be careful not to become complacent in our preparation season because at some point it will be “showtime” – then we’ll find out how ready we really are. For example, first-time parents may know the stages of development or infant CPR, but nothing can prepare you for the actual work of caring for such a tiny, helpless being. It can be surreal.
Part of preparation should be wrapping your mind around the fact that there will be some stuff you just have to learn on the fly. When you get to this point, open your heart to God and say, “I’m ready for You to walk me through the unknown.” This is the spiritual preparation.
We don’t even realize how much we don’t know until we wish we knew. Emotions are especially tricky to navigate in these situations. When stepping into the unknown, your flesh may feel fear and doubt and it can be devastating to know that these feelings are coming from something you prayed and prepared for. These thoughts can make you unravel and you’ll get to see what’s really in you. Getting everything you want and need will reveal your heart, and pressure will always show you what you’re made of.
Subject Your Thoughts to Christ
The most difficult part is trying to determine which of the conflicting thoughts are of God. We question ourselves and our decisions trying to figure out if it’s just a normal part of warfare that comes with the success, or if we’ve wasted time pursuing the wrong things in life.
It can be extremely stressful, but God said if we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct our path (Proverbs 3:6). The point is, we wouldn’t have ever known how to distinguish God’s voice had it not been for the inner struggle. When you make your choice, the peace or restless feelings that follow will confirm whether you’ve made the right decision. We just need to keep in mind that it takes faith and action – even when we’ve studied and prepared for the possibilities.
I didn’t know I had a fear of success until I started being blessed! Even though I worked daily to achieve – once the achievement was realized, it was scary. There’s a higher mantle that we can’t specifically prepare for simply because it’s unknown.
The good news is that the Word of God can keep us in any situation. No matter where we find ourselves, we can look to the Word for encouragement and peace. Isaiah 41:10 says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you with my right hand.” Being able to speak life over yourself is vital for overcoming the fear of the unknown. Find a scripture for whatever the situation is and speak it over your life.
Make Room for God’s Surprises
During this time of restoration, let’s be mindful that the Bible also says in 1 Corinthians 2:9 “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those that love Him.” Team, we just need to get ready to be amazed at what God is doing. We need to change our perspective on preparation to balance the natural with the spiritual so that fear won’t manifest in self-sabotage.
Stepping into the unknown and walking by faith is the best way to grow in your relationship with God. It forces you to depend on Him and consistently seek His presence. There’s a desperation that rises in you that makes you pursue Him like never before, and in that place is fullness of joy. Whatever happens in the natural no longer seems relevant. The bond you form with the Father during this time will sustain you through anything to come!
So, What’s the Play Call?
- In order to spiritually prepare for restoration, think outside the box and get used to the idea of the unknown.
- When fear or insecurity comes, meditate on the Word. One scripture that will help is Philippians 4:6-7 on being overly anxious.
- Remember that stepping out on faith will strengthen your relationship with God – it’s an opportunity for the ultimate bond with the Father.
Be Blessed!