The Giver of Hope and a Future
When we first come into a relationship with Jesus, there is nothing sweeter than feeling His presence and knowing that we have been granted access to the Father 24/7. It’s such an amazing discovery – as if everything else we believed before that moment was a lie, keeping us at a distance from the overwhelming reality of who God is.
I remember the day like it was yesterday. At just 10 years old, I first encountered the irresistible love of God. I knew instantly that I wanted to spend my life pursuing an intimate walk with Him.
My journey with Jesus has spanned over two decades and has had many highs and lows. It has been far from perfect and I often lose my way. Sometimes I ignored the still small voice beckoning me to draw close and spend time with the Father. But even in the midst of my stubbornness and lack of direction, I know that God patiently waits for me.
Do Life With God
Daily He tugs at my heart, reminding me of the promises He has for me… That life is so much better when He is the Captain of my ship.
You see, God wants to do this life with us. As a Father, He longs to see us living to our full potential and operating from a place of trust in His plan for our lives. As we learn to let go and safely surrender our plans to God, we find that our future becomes more secure and we discover the hidden mystery of holding on to the promises of God – through all seasons of life.
In times of difficulty and strife, I am reminded that God is always there leading me; He’s always guiding me towards righteousness and nudging me into the direction He has for me. “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed,” (Deuteronomy 31:8).
So, What’s The Play Call?
In the changing seasons of life, how do we stay committed and trust God with our families, our careers, our decisions, our future?
- There is power in remembrance. When we are concerned about our future endeavors, we need to remember the times that God has come through for us previously. Rest assured that He is still faithful and that He will do it again.
- Push through the chaos. Sometimes God’s voice may seem muffled by the noise of everyday life. We may get busy and forget to spend time with Him. We get distracted, we doubt, we fear. Push through the noise and find the peace that only God has to offer. When we are worried about our future, we need to rest in the peace of God and that He knows best. “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 4:7).
- Prioritize time with Him. How can we trust Him if we do not get to know Him? We need to pray and spend time with God in order to understand His heart and plans for us. Schedule alone time with God today. Spend time praying, journaling or reading the Word of God – that which holds the secrets and mysteries of eternal life and the hope that will secure our future. Press in and find out what God has in store for you today…tomorrow…and for eternity.
Take heart, dear soul. We may not know what the future holds, but we can certainly rest assured that we know the One who holds the future.