October 23rd, 2024

The Middle of the Storm is not Your Final Destination


One weekend, we traveled to my brother’s house and planned to leave on Sunday. It started snowing on Saturday evening and continued through Sunday. My brother had to travel home from South Bend with almost zero visibility due to the snow. He told us, though, that once we got through Berrien Springs, we should be good.

Now, you may not know where any of these places are, but stick with me. My sister and I pulled off (we drove separate vehicles) and headed out into the snow. Once we got to our on ramp, my sister called as we turned and asked if I thought we could make it or if I thought we should head back. All I could think was to keep going to see if what my brother said was still true — if we’d be in the clear if we made it beyond Berrien Springs. 

The speed limit was 70, but we had to go about 35 and drive with our hazard lights flashing, as did everyone else on the road. Every once in a while, we’d see a pickup truck speed past, but everyone else kept the pace. The further we got, the worse it got, but we hadn’t yet made it to the point where we were to expect it to get better. My brother called me and asked if we were going to turn around and I let him know that we should probably get past Berrien Springs, you know, where he said it would clear up.

To our surprise and delight, once we got right past the Berrien Springs area, it was as if no snow had fallen that day. The sun was shining and the wind was still, just as he said. 

The Middle of the Storm is not the End

stormPoint of the day, don’t give up in the middle of the storm. Sometimes it can be so tempting to give up because of what we see around us. Honestly, it seemed easier for us to just turn around and stay over at my brother’s until it cleared up. But, I was determined to get to where the promised clearance was.

This is how God wants us to be. You see, although He may not reveal it to us, God has an exact time and location for our deliverance. The key is to keep going until you get there. Turn on those “hazard lights” and keep driving. As you know, when you drive with your hazards on, you have the go ahead to drive a little slower than usual. There may even be times when people pass you by, because you are getting to your destination cautiously. Whatever you have to do, don’t stop!

So, What’s the Play Call?

I know it gets difficult to see your way when you are weathering a storm, but please remember that God will give you the visibility that you need in order to arrive on time. Here are a few things to recall when you are caught in a “white out”:

  1. God is protecting you. The surroundings of my vehicle protected me from the elements. My windshield wipers helped me keep the snow from blocking my view through my windshield. Just like that (even more, of course), God is protecting us from the elements of this life as we make it through storms. “The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul.” Psalms 121:7
  2. Keep your eyes peeled. As you can imagine, I had to be extra alert because I couldn’t really see as well as I was used to. There were moments when I felt like my eyes were drying out because I had them open so wide. This was a time when only watching the road wouldn’t do. I had to pay attention to the lights in front and behind me, and those cars trying to speed around me. Well, we don’t have to do all that looking and searching. Looking to Jesus alone will do. He will be our guide when our vision is impaired. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
  3. The sun will shine again. Whew, let me tell you… I didn’t think I’d see sunshine that day, but I did. Right where and when I was meant to see it. All the snow that we’d endured did not make me regret getting to the point of relief. The harder things get, the more you must remember the Sonshine. “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;” 2 Corinthians 4:17 

So, no matter how long you have been driving in this current storm, please keep driving. Your deliverance is set, you just need to get there. God’s got you. Make it to “Berrien Springs”.

Alecia M. Whitehttps://www.aleciathewriter.com/
Author, blogger, lover of coffee, and all things Jesus. By profession, Alecia is a teacher and administrator. She recently published her first book "The Thing Is...", a poignant look at suffering and endurance. She is privileged to share her love for Christ through her writing.


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2 years ago

I’m going to try to remember to keep those hazard lights on and keep driving! Great post, Alecia!

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