Sunday, January 26, 2025
37.2 F

The Writing Season: How to Write the Vision and Make it Plain

As our series continues on recognizing your season in your walk with God, I’d like to encourage you to resist comparing your life walk with the journey of those around you. Dying as a caterpillar is not an option!  As you navigate through life with Christ, you may find yourself in 1 of 3 seasons:  The Waiting season, The Writing season, or The Working season.

This article will focus on the Writing Season: Why Write, What to Write, and How to Write.

Put the Vision on Paper? Why?  

Writing is an Act of Obedience. 

The Word of the Lord in Habakkuk 2:2 instructs us to write the vision. Writing the vision is obedience to what God has asked us to do.  The simple act of doing what the Word of God says shifts us from being a passive, laid-back hearer to an active, engaged doer.  Acting on God’s instruction puts us in a position to receive His best.

Brings Clarity

Writing also brings a sense of clarity to our thoughts.  Clarity is important because it provides focus.

Instead of wandering aimlessly, writing allows us to zero in on our heart’s desire. Putting pen to paper brings our desire center stage.

Once focus is achieved, it is much easier to make plans in order to bring the desire to pass. Moving the idea from your mind to paper creates a physical representation of what is to come.

God is pleased when we write in faith.  Although we may not know all of the how-to’s of our process, He helps us fill in the gaps as we trust him and are obedient in small steps.

Hebrews 11:1 says Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Your writing, by faith, is the material that your future victory is made of!

Helps us to not Forget

Writing also helps you to remember what’s important.  When things are difficult, revisiting the vision will help you stay the course.  Writing down the vision spoken to you by God will be a visual reminder of your future win.

Matthew 4:1-11 recounts Jesus being tempted by satan:

After 40 days of fasting, the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the enemy.  Naturally, after 40 days without food, Jesus was hungry.  The enemy tempted him three times.  First with bread, then with the pride of proving who He was, and finally with the wealth of the world.  Each time Jesus battled the deception of the enemy with ‘It is written’.   

You can put the practice of putting pen to paper to create your own ‘It is written‘ to fight the enemy’s whispers of defeat.  Writing God’s vision for your life gives you something solid to look back on.  You can use your own version of ‘It is written‘ to help you in times of doubt and discouragement. Looking back at your own ‘It is written‘ will help you endure the difficult times.

What am I Writing?  

writeAll of this business of write the vision sounds great, but what if you have no idea what to write?  What if you don’t know what the vision is?

Write God’s Vision for Your Life  

Getting into God’s Word is key to knowing His mind. God expresses His thoughts through His Word.  The Bible is God’s mind in written form.  By spending time in God’s Word, we can find the direction and the vision that He wants for our lives.

We develop our natural relationships by spending time with a person, talking to them, and learning their likes and dislikes. It is in this same way that we nurture our relationship with God – by spending time with Him, talking to Him and by meditating on His word.

So, how do you find out God’s vision for your life?

It’s simple: Ask Him.

“God, what is your vision for my life?
What do you want me to do?
How do you want to use me?”

Ask God what He wants to do through you. His vision for our lives is far beyond what we know.  Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows the plans He has for us. Jeremiah 33:3 says that we can call Him and that He will reveal things that we do not know.  Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to trust Him, and to acknowledge Him in everything we do.  His Word says that He will direct our steps. When we pray and totally surrender ourselves to His will, He can do amazing things in our lives.

After you ask God what He wants for your life, you will have to do this one thing to hear the answer.

How to Be Still

In order to get the answers you need from God, it will be important that you silence all the noise around you.  That means you will have to turn off the TV. You will have to power down your cell phone. You’ll have to put away the iPad. This silence will require you to turn off the newsfeed in your mind – that means no Twitter feeds, no Facebook timeline, no Instagram scrolling, and certainly no Periscope live streams.

If you really want to hear from God, you will have to be intentional about shutting out all outside distractions.  Too many times we are listening to everything and everybody else – but God. In the middle of all this noise, God may have already been speaking.  Often we miss it because we don’t allow ourselves any time for quiet. We never take the time to silence the incoming noise in our minds.

Replacing my Plan with His Vision  

If I can be transparent, I too have been in this place.  I knew I needed to be still.  I needed God’s direction for my life, but I felt like I had to keep up the pace of what I already knew. I was familiar with my confusion and comfortable in my chaos.   I didn’t want to slow down for direction because I thought I had it. I didn’t want to admit that my life was going too fast and…

I was falling apart.

A serious surgery finally forced me to be still.  I was physically unable to do anything other than be still.  It was during this time that I recognized that I was nothing without Him. All of the things that I was doing meant nothing without God’s guidance.   Although I thought I was on the right path, I was on my path, following my own direction. Frustrated with my life, I was running on fumes, burnt-out, and unfulfilled without Him.

As tears of pain, frustration, and exhaustion rolled down my face, I cried out to God.  I gave up my own plan for my life and asked for His.  It was during this time that I was able to re-write the plan for my life.  I replaced my plan with His vision for me.  I am far from perfect, but God continues to work on me and to reveal His plan day by day.

The same peace and direction that I have can also be yours.

So, what is the play call?  

As you take control of the atmosphere around you, may I encourage you to be silent to see what the Lord will impress on your heart?   You may not hear a thunderous voice coming down from the clouds outside your bedroom window, but you may hear Him speaking in quiet impressions on your heart.

As you sit in His presence, God-inspired thoughts will fill your mind.  He will give you brilliant God-ideas that you could not come up with on your own. This is what you need to write.

It may take some time to develop this new discipline of being still before God and writing the vision. It does not happen overnight, but God blesses us in our consistency.  Small consistent steps toward Him will steadily move you closer.


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Linda L. Burney
Linda L. Burney
4 years ago

My sincere thanks to the writer of this article for this profound and fundamental advice for those of us who desire to hear from God. The author further intimates that the seeker’s approach to a personal audience with God must be sacrificial. Thus, I found this article not only informative but challenging as well.

Last edited 4 years ago by Linda L. Burney
4 years ago

So blessed. Thank you, highly inspiring for me.

4 years ago

Great piece was actually writing my vision and plans do this was very informative
God bless you

3 years ago

This is great. God bless you!

3 years ago

Thanks so much. Am going to be the “doer” because I need His plans for me!

3 years ago

I deeply needed this reading at this point in my life. Thank you so much for publishing.

Barbara Woodard
Barbara Woodard
3 years ago

This is a blessing I need at this time in my life. I thank God for u.

Rani Naidu
Rani Naidu
3 years ago

very informative , educating in growing and being led by the Spirit of God , how to live according to the word of God. God bless you and your ministry.

Tammy Davis
Tammy Davis
3 years ago

All I can say is thank you for this article as it was right on time for what I needed.

Titilade Adelekun
Titilade Adelekun
3 years ago

Thank you so much for this. I found it profound and challenging too

Jacqueline Person
Jacqueline Person
3 years ago

Thank you for being here and sharing what to write and how to be still and hear from God about his plans for my life. Thanks for the reminder about the importance of consistency spending time meditating on God’s word to get the His vision/plan for my life!
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the World!
Abundant Blessingsn

Ashley Mack
Ashley Mack
3 years ago

Thank you so Much for this Article, All day I kept hearing “Write it down and make it plan”. I just needed more clarity on the meaning of this word. This has helped me in getting a total understand as to where to Start, how to be obedient and follow Gods word. Thank you sister for your help. I truly needed to read this, God is always on time “Seek and you shall Find” God Bless you

3 years ago

I really love the insights provided in this piece. Thank you and God bless. Perfect timing!

3 years ago

thank you so much

3 years ago

great article!

3 years ago

Thank you for so much for this post, it’s an encouragement, now I have known what exactly to do. God bless you.

kemi odus
kemi odus
3 years ago

Im so bless, please I need more of this you are God sent wow I am so blessed
The way you break it down ehen

Thank you so so much
Please I need more of this🙌🏻

3 years ago

Thank you for this article and it has encouraged me.

Tualla DeNelle Rochelle
Tualla DeNelle Rochelle
3 years ago

Hello Lamica!

One of the visions for my life is to connect with people who share the same spirit as I do. Although I have people like that in my circle. I would like to expand my circle.

Can we build a friendship?

Be blessed! Pray Without Ceasing…

3 years ago

This was so timely and a real blessing – thank you. May God continue to use you as His vessel.

Kendra C
Kendra C
2 years ago

I enjoyed reading your article. May the Lord bless you and continue to excel and expand you in His name. Amen!

2 years ago

Thank you for this article, it was just what I needed. 😁

Kenya Ward
Kenya Ward
2 years ago

This has helped me in planning my new business venture. Excellently written and focused.

Connie Woods
Connie Woods
2 years ago

I loved this article!! Great writing!

Gloria Cosby
Gloria Cosby
2 years ago

Very inspiring. Thanks for the encouragement to keep Journaling. I stopped fir a season but I’m encouraged to reset and restart my passion for writing and encouraging others to write as well.

Rosemary Norman
Rosemary Norman
2 years ago

This helped me so much. I have been going through some tough times which made me question God on what is it that I should be doing. And what I should be writing.

Carolyn Brown
Carolyn Brown
2 years ago

Thank you so much for reminding me of what I know, but from time to time I allow me to get in the way of being still in His presence to hear what the next step is, in my walk with Him.
God bless you in all He has planned for your life in Him. ❤🙏

2 years ago

I would love to speak to you via email thanks

2 years ago

So helpful. Thank you and God bless you

2 years ago

Thank you so much God bless you

2 years ago

I needed to hear what was being said in this article. It has hit very close to home. The fact that God will sit you down and not allow you to hear anything but Him. It has happened to me and someone very close to my heart and I pray that this person will understand and receive this article as I have. Thank you God for continually sending me things like this. I have read these scriptures before and I intend to read them again and again to encourage myself with what is written. Thank you

2 years ago

Wonderful clear easy to follow
Helpful and smart I am so blessed to have found this encouraging motivation truths. Thank you

Michelle Wilson
Michelle Wilson
2 years ago

This is an amazing article 🙌🏾!!! Something similar happened to me, and this is confirmation. God bless you😊

2 years ago

I enjoyed this article immensely as I have been reminded on several occasions to write down a vision…So after reading this article at 1:56 am on 10/11/22 I will put pen to paper and listen for my Abba Father’s voice…

2 years ago

Lamica, this article blessed my soul this morning!! This is where I am in life right now. I do appreciate you for your clarity and Godly advance on being intentional seeking what HE wants for me. (“Intentional” has been my word!) 🙂 Wow… just thank you!! Jesus Christ is so amazing!!!

2 years ago

I love the direct, basic yet profound teaching in this article. There is so much wisdom here.

2 years ago

Thanks for the article and it’s a guide to writing the vision

2 years ago

Thank you for helping me understand what vision I should write and how to get this vision from spending time alone with God quietly I will hear him speak plainly and write what I hear! Also surrender my will for God’s will and his Word is his will! Thank you for making it plain ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Doris Lovelace
Doris Lovelace
2 years ago

On January/2/2023 I heard the spirit say write the vision and make it plan I didn’t know where to begin but listening to your story made it all worthwhile thank you for sharing knowledge and wisdom

Felisha Howard
Felisha Howard
2 years ago

To the Writer of this article, Blessings to you!!, This article was such an Inspiration and gave me insight on some things that I was unsure of, it truly Blessed me this morning, looking forward to reading more!!
Again Blessings to the writer!!!

Jennifer Jackson
Jennifer Jackson
2 years ago

Sooo Good!!

2 years ago

Yes and amen to all the benefits of writing things down. The Lord has awaken me at very early hours with specific instructions after I have prayed about direction or concerns on my heart. He will definitely instruct and reveal His plans to you. This article is definitely timely and so relatable to me. May the Lord God continue to prosper your way!

1 year ago

This blog post really spoke to me and helped me in terms of what I need to do and how to go about it. Thank you so much!🧡

1 year ago

It’s simple but a complete guide to pursuing God’s vision for our lives. In the Lord’s prayer…your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, its obvious that ” our essence on earth as God fearing Christians has a base in heaven”. If we know heavens will for us, or how great our exploits on earth. Thanks for sharing.
David muganzi from Uganda.

1 year ago

I will not die a catepillar! Love it! Being an author, stage play writer and other things, I love nuggets that other writers share with each other, as well as those who read your work. Great article.

Jesusita Mayfield
Jesusita Mayfield
1 year ago

Thank you for making it plain and simple. I believe I’m walking out part of the vision that God has planned for me but I believe there’s more thank you for writing this down and making it plain for me to understand.

1 year ago

Thank you for providing clarity in a way that really brought revelation to why I write and also allow me to realize the discipline needed to develop my skills and passion!

1 year ago

Thanks! Great article! I needed this.

Alexius Hyman-Speaks
Alexius Hyman-Speaks
1 year ago

I soooo needed this word!! Very much my situation, as I need to find out what God’s vision is for my life, and to stop going forth in my own understanding. Really timely with this article!!

Clarice Mastin-King
Clarice Mastin-King
1 year ago

Dear Lamica, This article is right on time and in alignment with Jesus Christ. God bless you for having the courage to put in the work and build the relationship you have with God. This alone illuminates GOD’s will and power. I appreciate you more than you know. May GOD continue to bestow his unmerited favor and unconditional love on you and everyone attached to you.


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They Changed Their Minds about Slavery and Left a Bible Record

Two businessmen’s unusual conversion in 1700s South Carolina led them to liberate the people they put in bondage. At first glance, William Turpin and his business partner, Thomas Wadsworth, appeared to be like most other prestigious and powerful white men in late 18th-century South Carolina. They were successful Charleston merchants, had business interests across the state, got involved in state politics, and enslaved numerous human beings. Nothing about them seemed out of the ordinary. But, quietly, these two men changed their minds about slavery. They became committed abolitionists and worked to free dozens of enslaved people across South Carolina. When most wealthy, white Carolinians were increasingly committed to slavery and defending it as a Christian institution, Turpin and Wadsworth were compelled by their convictions to break the shackles they had placed on dozens of men and women. In an era when the Bible was edited so that enslaved people wouldn’t get the idea that God cared about their freedom, Turpin left a secret record of emancipation in a copy of the Scriptures, which is now in the South Carolina State Museum. Perhaps it’s not surprising that this story of faith and freedom is mostly unknown. The two men were, after all, working not to attract attention. Neither had deep roots in Charleston or close familial ties to its storied white “planter” dynasties. Turpin’s family was originally from Rhode Island, and Wadsworth was a native of Massachusetts who moved to South Carolina only shortly after the American Revolution. Both had public careers and served in the South Carolina Legislature, but their political profiles were not particularly high. Neither of them appeared to give any of their legislative colleagues the sense that they were developing strong, countercultural opinions on one of the most ...Continue reading...

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