July 27th, 2024

We Must Cut Off the Bad Habits That Hinder Our Walk With God


In any sport, athletes are susceptible to adopting a number of bad habits that can hinder them from becoming the best athletes and teammates they can be. Whether it is a sloppy technique or poor reads, any bad habit prevents them from becoming the “perfect” athlete that players in their sport strive to become.

Just as bad habits can plague athletic performance, sin hinders us in our spiritual performance; or, better stated, it hinders our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Paul recognizes this in Romans 3:23 when he writes that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” We are all forced to face temptations, and no matter how many times we pass or fail, we are still “justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24).

How Can We Cut Off Bad Habits?

stuckHow do we rid ourselves of these “bad habits”? In Mark 9, Jesus tells us that we must cut off the causes of our sin in order to build a stronger relationship with Him: “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off,” and “if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.” But when our minds are the sources of our sins, how do we cut it off?

In Romans 12:2, Paul tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds – to create minds that don’t conform to the patterns of sin in this world, but to the patterns laid out by our Savior. Minds that accept the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus says “will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you” (John 16:14).

In addressing our bad habits, we as Christians shouldn’t just be sorry for them, but we must ultimately hate the sin that plagues our lives – a plague that is lifted from us as we repent of our sins and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Jesus is the only Way, so let’s listen to Him!


So, What’s The Play Call?

Think about it:

  1. What are some bad habits in your private or public life that you need to stop?
  2. What are some strategies to overcome these habits?
  3. How can you apply the Word of God to these habits?


Keiston France
A summa cum laude graduate of North Carolina A&T State University, Keiston France majored in Journalism & Mass Communication and served as the captain on the men's varsity tennis team. Keiston currently works for NASCAR as a developmental tire changer for Chip Ganassi Racing. His favorite Bible verse is 'Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen.' Hebrews 1:11


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abanokwu esther
abanokwu esther
2 years ago

This page is great.

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