Give Me a Clean Heart – Washed, Not Swept


God’s White Glove Treatment

I was never allergic to carpet. I just always loved a great, shiny hardwood floor.

After years of non-refunded rental deposits in our family’s early days – because the kids’ Kool-Aid stains just wouldn’t come out – our decision was final. We’ll never return to a house with that wall-to-wall stuff again.

With hardwoods, cleaning is a breeze! Just give me a broom with perfectly slanted bristles so I can easily clean the hard-to-reach places in the corners. And, whatever you do, make sure the dustpan sits perfectly flush against the floor, so all the dust goes into the pan, and no loose dust bunnies slide underneath.

And, just like that, clean as a whistle!

Or is it?

You’re Not Fully Clean, Unless…

give me a clean heartHave you ever wiped a “clean-looking” floor with a wet cloth, only to find the cloth filthy with dirt?

Like, where in the world did all of that dirt come from?

The room smells fragrant, all items are well-organized, no junk or disarray anywhere. Yet, with a little water and a single wipe – you get a very different perspective of an otherwise “spotless” room.

What about this… have you ever washed your “clean” hands and, to your surprise, watched dirty bubbles roll down the drain?

Let’s face it. Dirt simply has a way of catching us all off guard. We can’t always see it, smell it, or reach it. We don’t always recognize it when we’re looking right at it. But, there below the surface of our perceptions, judgments, and so-called “neat freak” tendencies – dirt lurks in the shadows, unbothered and growing, well, dirtier.

Who’s Afraid of THE Water?

That’s why our prayer, Team, mirrors that of King David in Psalm 51 when it comes to our “fleshy” heart and sinful nature. Aren’t you grateful that when we ask God to have mercy on us and cleanse us from our sins, He gives us 100% effort using the BEST technique?

Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity And cleanse me from my sin.

God doesn’t reach for a broom when our hearts are filthy. He wouldn’t risk us choking on all the dust that stirs up.

No, there’s a better way – His son, Jesus! The fountain of living water springing up to eternal life (John 4:14). No sin is too dirty or beyond the reach of Living Water.

If God left the clean-up up to us, we’d miss a spot or two! We’d grade our sin on a curve. We’d either grow weary in our cleaning or begin to justify why dirt is good – Lord, help us! Give me a clean heart!

So, What’s the Play Call?

Want God to give you a clean heart? Surrender the cleaning of your life to God – let Him wash all of those hard to reach places (Psalm 51:2).

As followers of Christ, we have the unbelievable privilege to make a mess, turn away from that mess (repent), and watch God clean up the situation. The pressure is off you, Team, to make things better. That’s God’s lane. Allow Him to begin and complete a good work in you (Philippians 1:6) as your life is washed in the blood of Jesus.

Once you’re washed and squeaky clean, obediently nurture truth and wisdom in your heart (Psalm 51:6) and honor the Father’s work to make you whole again. And, don’t forget to share your testimony with someone else. Tell them what a difference the Living Water, Jesus Christ, makes!


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