4 Stages of Preparation for God’s Call on Your Life


Embrace the Process

God is all knowing and all powerful, but He created man to have free will. We make our own decisions and reap the consequences of them. A lot of times, the choices we make are not the best and have negative effects on our lives.

Why would God do that? Why would He allow us to make our own bad choices?

God allows us to mess up so that we would eventually see Him as holy and ourselves as the total opposite in need of Him. Acknowledging our wretchedness and our reliance on God is a crucial, constant step in the Christian walk.

In Isaiah 6, we see the process of the prophet’s commission. At which stage can you find yourself?

Stage 1: He saw God.

In the very first verse, Isaiah describes the grandeur and might of the Lord. He heard the shouts of glorious heavenly creatures crying out His holiness one to another. What a privilege it was for him to feel the roar of their voices in the temple. It shook him to his knees, and there…

Stage 2: He saw himself.

“‘Woe to me!’ I cried. ‘I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips…’” Isaiah 6:5

The opposition of Isaiah’s flesh to the holiness of God was overwhelming to him. He could not stand in the presence of God without seeing his own weakness. And, without this step, he could never be able to fulfill his calling in excellence and truth.

Stage 3: He was cleansed.

Immediately after Isaiah acknowledges his humanity, an angel touches a piece of coal to his mouth and says, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and sin atoned for.’” How incredible that God not only allows us to see our filth, but to be cleansed from it as well. That’s the whole point. Because once we are cleansed….

Stage 4: He was sent.

Verse 8 of the same chapter states that Isaiah heard the Lord asking who He should send, and Isaiah with a new burst of boldness said, “Here I am. Send me!”

The processes of God astound me. Because Isaiah had been made holy, just as his King was holy, he now had the confidence to walk out his purpose.

Follow God’s Plan

god's call on your life

There are other stories in the Bible and in modern day Christianity of people who have encountered this same process. I believe it’s a standard that God uses to determine and refine those who will be truly used by Him. I want to encourage you to embrace this process, even if it seems you’re stuck in Step 2, constantly reminded of how broken you are.

After it was revealed to Peter that Jesus was indeed the Christ, he denied Him THREE times. Even Peter had to go through the necessary stages to see his own self – weak and scared and unfaithful. You know what’s amazing about Peter is that his story doesn’t end there. He goes on to lead the first church and boldly declare the gospel of Jesus Christ.

So, What’s the Play Call?

If you’re in a season that seems to only reveal your insecurities and flaws, trust that God is there with you (Deuteronomy 31:8). Trust that this season, no matter how painful it may be, is a part of His master plan.  So stay ready and willing to grow – your purpose-driven season might arrive sooner than you think.

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