May 5th, 2024

7 Tips on How to Lead Your Children to Christ


Evangelism starts at home. 

We may have ideas of traveling the globe and sharing the Gospel with the world, but before we can connect with the unreached people groups of the earth, we may want to look around and share our faith with those closest to us first. The ministry field often starts at home by leading our children to Christ.

It was Andy Stanley who said, “Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do – but someone you raise.”

So, how do we even begin to lead our own children to Christ?

Will it be hard to lead my child to Christ?

lead your child to christThe truth is that children are often more open to the Gospel than adults. They are usually far more susceptible to the Truth of who God is and are drawn in by His goodness and unconditional love. As a Father, God longs to connect with these little ones. This should give you greater peace of mind as you speak into the lives of your children and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your conversations and actions.

Remember, it was Jesus who said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these,” (Matthew 19:13).

If you’re willing to follow God’s lead and act out your faith every day, then ministering to your children should come naturally. Let’s pray for guidance as we illustrate the truths of the Gospel to our kids.

Don’t know where to start?

Here are a few pointers to help you share your faith with your children.

So, What’s the Play Call?

1. Live out your faith in front of your kids.

Your journey with Jesus should not only be ‘activated’ on a Sunday. Your children are watching your every move, so be sure to honor Christ in your home every day. Speak about God (and to God) in your children’s presence and let this become a normal part of their day.

2. Keep the lines of communication open.

Talk to your children about who God is, your dependence on Him and what God is doing in your life. Tell them about how God has come through for you in the past and share the everyday moments when you feel that God is speaking to you.

3. Create an atmosphere to serve Jesus.

Give your children plenty of opportunities to encounter God for themselves. It is not enough to learn about God at Sunday School alone. It is important for kids to develop a real, on-going relationship with Jesus that extends into their everyday lives. Use moments of worship, journaling, or creative arts to help your child engage with God in a fresh way and experience the power of His Holy Spirit for themselves.

4. Read the Word.

Share from the Bible and explain the basics of the Gospel to your children. Talk about the reality of sin and repentance in a simple way that your children can understand. Spur a passion for the Word of God in your home and you’ll develop a love for the Bible in them that may extend into adulthood.

5. Pray together.

Make prayer a regular part of your family life. Soon enough, your kids will learn that talking to God is normal and encouraged.

6. Welcome Jesus in.

Once your children understand the key concepts of sin and salvation and their need for Christ, they may be at a point to make a decision to serve Jesus. Help them ask Jesus into their hearts. Remember, a simple prayer of salvation is only a starting point on a journey with God. Invest time and effort to help guide your kids along this path. Invest in resources that will help your kids grow in their faith – music, books, ministry tools and more can help to cement your child’s newfound faith in Jesus.

7. Encourage Fellowship with Like-minded Youth.

Pray that God will give you wisdom and guidance to find youth communities where your child can nurture their faith in Jesus with other children. As parents, we can lead them. When our children experience God with other children who are passionate about Jesus, their faith will be encouraged even more.

Remember, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it,” (Proverbs 22:6).

Tamsyn Cornelius
Tamsyn Cornelius is a wife and mother, as well as a writer and editor, based in her home town of Cape Town, South Africa. As a creative, she loves color, décor and crafting beautiful things with her hands. Her first love is Jesus and she takes great pride in sharing her passion for God through the written word.
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