Thursday, March 27, 2025
60.7 F

Lamica A. Burnett

An aspiring author and new blogger, Lamica Burnett is a mother of 4 and has been married to the love of her life for 21 years. She’s been journaling since age 6 and accepted Christ at age 18. An accountant by profession, Lamica is obsessed with beautiful stationery and all things paper.

Don’t Let Fear Unravel Your Faith Cape

Have you ever approached God from a place of fear versus a position of faith? Here's how to shift your mindset from fear to faith.

Does Your Summertime Netflix and Chill Leave God Out?

Summer is the time to relax, vacation, and really Netflix and chill. But don't forget about God in the process. Here's how to stay connected.

How to Wait as You Wait on the Lord

Waiting is no one's favorite thing to do. But when we have to wait on the Lord, there's an appropriate way for us to do so.

The Writing Season: How to Write the Vision and Make it Plain

Have you written the vision and made it plain? Here's how to be still before God and write down all those God-inspired ideas He gives you.

3 Ways to Shift from Defeated to ‘More Than A Conqueror’

If victory belongs to Jesus, and we have what He has - why do we still have moments of defeat? Here's how to stay encouraged as a conqueror.

Stop Hitting the Snooze Button

Stop hitting the snooze button on the purpose and greatness God has called you to. It's time to wake up and show up, here's why.

Thanksgiving on Memorial Day

What does Memorial Day mean to Christians in America? We have so much to be thankful for when we consider the sacrifices made on our behalf.

5 Reasons to Thank God for Our Problems

No one enjoys having problems, but there are several benefits to the challenges of life. Here are a few reasons to thank God for our problems.

4 Familiar Ways to Guard Your Thoughts Everyday

The enemy is constantly battling for our sacred space - our minds. Here are 4 familiar ways to guard your thoughts and maintain peace.

3 Basic Steps to Walk by Faith in God

Do you find it hard to walk by faith, and not by sight? What does that even mean? Here are some basic steps to walk by faith in God.

Need to Get a Prayer Through? Check Your Connection to the Source

Do you need to get a prayer through, but you feel spiritually drained? Here are a few tips to check your connection to the power source, God.

How Dog Walking Strengthened My Walk With God

Have you noticed in your walk with God that He teaches us lessons in everyday life around us? Here's what dog walking taught me.