Blooming Prayers: We Are the Harvest of God’s Glory


“…that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.” Isaiah 61:3

good shepherdGod has the creative authority to say, “Let there be…”, and there is – and it’s good!

He doesn’t have to plant, water, and wait for a harvest.

Yet, He chooses to be the Master Gardener – with us as His vineyard and our prayers as seeds. What an honor to co-labor with God to bring Him glory (1 Corinthians 3:9).


We have all experienced seasons of sowing prayers in tears (Psalm 126:5) while waiting patiently for God to answer. Sometimes our hearts are sick with unfulfilled hope (Proverbs 13:12), but we know that our God is a strong deliverer and mighty to save! As we cry out to God, planting our faith firmly in His word and His power, God is bottling up every tear (Psalm 56:8-11) to water the harvest of His glory.

We become His fruit, ripe with testimonies that feed the faith of others to know that they, too, can and will overcome (Revelation 12:11).

Consider the Blooming Prayers of Hannah

In 1 Samuel, Hannah labored in tears and prayers to God that she would conceive and bring forth a son, Samuel. Year after year, though sorely mocked by the 2nd wife whose womb flourished with sons and daughters, Hannah refused to give up. She prayed and wept bitterly, to the point of losing her appetite, but continued to worship in the house of the Lord and make her petition to God.

One year, while weeping in the temple, she received confirmation from the priest, Eli, that God had heard her cries and would grant her petition.

God, our Promise Keeper, remembered Hannah; she conceived and brought forth Samuel, and kept her vow to dedicate him to God.

With her hope now fulfilled, she became a walking tree of righteousness, a tree of life that bears witness that God will remember our prayers and answer in due season.

Don’t Bail Before Your Prayers Bloom

prayerHere’s what we know: God is a finisher.  When He begins the good work of planting you, He is faithful to bring you, His vineyard, to a flourishing finish! God plants with the full expectation of a vibrant, glorious bloom.

Be encouraged today. Don’t give up before you see the fruit of your prayer labor.

Right now, you may be sowing seeds of tears and prayers with no sign of a bloom in sight. Trust that the Master Gardener sees your tears, He’s heard your cry, and has every intention to bring your purposed bloom to fruition for His glory.

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