July 27th, 2024

Team Huddle

Stellar TV to Launch as “Home of Gospel Music Entertainment”

Stellar TV to launch as "Home of Gospel Music Entertainment" and 24/7 ad-supported black lifestyle network.

Comfort for Parents Through the Lens of Ecclesiastes

When parents read Ecclesiastes through this lens, they find comfort and guidance in a world where there is truly nothing new under the sun.

The Comparison Game: And the Winners Are…

The comparison game is a dangerous game to play, with very few real winners - here's how to identify those who will take home the victory.

The Courage to Declare Independence Before You’re Free

Did you know that you don't have to wait until the final shot to declare victory in your life? America's founding fathers knew it, here's what we can learn.

Is Social Media Killing Our Relationships?

Social media can weaken our interpersonal relationships. Here's how to revive our relationships and reconnect with each other.

