July 27th, 2024

Christian Mingle: Accommodate the LGBT Lifestyle, Or Pay Up!


Move over siren-screeching ambulance – there’s a new lucrative target for lawyers to chase.

Last week, the Christian dating site, ChristianMingle.com, was ordered by a Superior Court judge in California to remove “man seeking woman” and “woman seeking man” options and accommodate same-sex searches on its site.  The lawsuit was filed in 2013 by two gay men against Spark Networks, Inc., the dating site’s owner.

According to the Wall Street Journal:

Christian Mingle, billed as the largest online community for Christian singles, required new users to specify whether they’re a man seeking a woman or a woman seeking a man. The lead plaintiffs, two gay men who tried using it, claimed that the limited options violated California’s anti-discrimination law.

Known as the Unruh Civil Rights Act, the state law requires “business establishments” to offer “full and equal accommodations” to people regardless of their sexual orientation.

Under the agreement, the gateway homepages now ask just whether a user is a “man” or a “woman.” Spark Networks agreed that within two years, it would adjust other searching and profile features to give gay and lesbian singles a more tailored experience.

Additionally, Spark Networks was ordered to pay a $9,000 service award to each plaintiff, and pay $450,000 to cover the plaintiffs’ attorneys’ fees.

“Love” Winning is Not Enough

Is gay rights about equal rights or special rights?

One could logically question whether the LGBT agenda is about “love” wins, or “love” whines.

Take note Christian businesses in California: In less than 0.45 seconds, a search for “gay dating site” on Google returns approximately 3.2 million search results.

3.2 Million.

Interesting how these 2 men were “harmed” while armed with a plethora of sites and apps to choose from.  And if none of the sites (unequivocally within their target market) interested them or showed any promise (very unlikely, no?), did they not have the freedom to start yet another?

Where’s the Protection for Christian Beliefs?

Perhaps the tides are turning and we’re seeing concrete, court-supported reverse discrimination and bullying against Christians’ religious beliefs.

Bible-believing Christians note that there are multiple references to homosexuality in either the Old or New Testament. A question to self-proclaimed gay Christians: Where is homosexual behavior ever held in a positive light, pleasing, praised, or deemed a desirable practice according to the Bible, our playbook? On the contrary, homosexuality is described as unnatural, an error, shameful, and grounds for not entering Heaven, along with many other sins.

It is within the Christian’s right to believe the Word of God, and subscribe to the Creator’s authority and plan for humanity – according to the order of male and female relationships, sexual relations, and reproduction.

It is within the Christian’s right not to engage in liberal theological disputes on Bible translations and interpretations purposed to find homosexuality loopholes. This practice is likened to the serpent’s manipulation and reasoning with Eve: “Did God really say don’t eat from every tree? You won’t surely die.”  Did God really mean to avoid homosexuality? Wasn’t that just culture, the times back then, sex with boys, Paul being over-opinionated? You won’t surely die.

It is within the Christian’s right to believe the Spirit of the Word, not just a single scripture, to base his or her beliefs that homosexuality is a sin for which Jesus Christ died, and forgiveness and a new life is available to all who repent and are born again.

Leave Christian Beliefs Out of Christian Businesses

Now, Christians are denied the right to honor these beliefs in their business endeavors. Why? Because those who live an unrepentant gay lifestyle demand so? Because the LGBT community contends that the mere act of holding or expressing these beliefs is an act of homophobia and hate?

Wouldn’t an understanding to “agree to disagree” or “take my business elsewhere” be more human, loving, and Christian-like, than:

Not only will you stop representing what the Word of God says about homosexuality in your business, your business WILL accommodate and be supportive of our lifestyle – or we’ll make you pay.”

It’s amazing how the two men were seemingly fighting for their right of “Christian” participation, but in the end, chose to do (again) what is frowned upon in scripture – Christians suing each other.  Perhaps the entire 6th chapter of 1 Corinthians is ignored or explained away – as it speaks against homosexuality and lawsuits between Christians. Go figure.

One can only wonder how many gay dating sites have been sued for not accommodating heterosexual single matches. I suspect society as a whole would find that odd.

Who’s Got Next? Pedophiles?

It’s only a matter of time before we’ll truly see where Pandora’s box will lead us. Remember decades ago? We didn’t have debates on what God intended for marriage, or encourage the creation to identify with a gender vs. accept the gender given by the Creator.

Likewise, today we don’t debate whether Christian Mingle violates a pedophile’s civic right to find “love” with children, or have our children “self-identifying” with a certain age vs. their age as determined by date of birth. Thank God.

Be sober and vigilant, Team, as even more perilous times are coming.  Will pedophiles capitalize on the sexual orientation precedents set by the LGBT community? In 20 years, could we have humans demanding the right to legally marry their pets?

So, what’s the play call?

Never compromise. Yes, it’s easy to say Christian Mingle caved when you don’t have millions on the line. But the truth doesn’t change – it is our right not to bow and conform to this world and its standards. It is our honor to remain loyal and contend for the faith in Jesus Christ. God is still able to deliver the Daniels and Hebrew Boys of this present generation.

God, help Your Team to stand.

Kim Brightness
As Publisher/EIC of Team Jesus Magazine, Kim Bright(ness) loves to provide uplifting and informative content on Kingdom living excellence. As an author, producer, and media buyer with over 25 years in marketing and advertising, you can always find Kim writing/editing, consulting, covering Christian events, or advocating for trauma-healing and inner beauty on her Live and Learn Show.


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