July 26th, 2024

Don’t Let the Storm Stop Your “Yes”


Peace in the Midst of the Storm

The eye of a storm has always fascinated me. It’s a region of calm weather at the center of intense tropical cyclones. The thought that there can be peace in the midst of a storm is astounding, and the thought that this peace could be present in more than just hurricanes and twisters…what a concept?!

I’ve come to know this peace. It’s the kind that passes all understanding, and it can be revealed in many different ways. The peace that I carry comes from the knowledge of truth that God has my back. I don’t ever have to be afraid of serving Him.

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”  (Philippians 2:12-13, NLT)

When we respond to the call of salvation, we say yes to whatever it is that God has planned for us. We choose to jump into a life we’ve never lived before hoping in the promise that it’s better than the last.

The truth is, this life is better, but not because it’s storm free. Oftentimes in our “yes” to God, we encounter rough winds and sometimes we even suffer damage. It’s confusing to associate our obedience to God with massive hurts and pain. So let’s focus on the truth.

The Work of Salvation is Worth It

In the verse above, we are encouraged to continue being obedient to God. Maybe Paul, the writer of this book, knew the struggle. Maybe he knew that at times it can feel close to impossible to submit every part of our lives in obedience – so he chose to remind us of the hope we first knew.

He says that it is indeed possible to walk in obedience to God because it is God who works in us to fulfill His purpose. That means if God asks you to do something, He’s the one who will do it through you. All it takes is submission.

He’s already equipped us for each “yes” we will ever make. And, that’s where the peace comes. It’s in knowing that no matter what storm the enemy has prepared for me, I have everything I need to conquer it (Romans 8:37).

So, What’s the Play Call?

Say “yes” to God – even when you’re afraid, in doubt, worn out, or you simply can’t see your way.

The cool thing is when we walk with God, we become more than conquerors, transforming this world through the love of God. As we say “yes”, even we will fall more and more in love with Him, too.

Andrea Matthewshttp://www.andreaspaige.com
Andrea is a passionate storyteller and aspiring author. As a young wife and mother, Andrea's desire is to encourage other millennials to live for Christ. Follow her journey at andreaspaige.com


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