God’s Will For You vs. the Will of Family and Friends


I Think You Should Choose…

god's will for our livesI recently got cable installed in my apartment (I mentioned that a couple articles ago) and I flip through the channels a lot. Well, one day, I came across the Disney Channel and the movie “High School Musical” was on. Did I keep flipping or stop to watch it? I watched it, of course – we all need a little Disney every now and then. Anyhoo…

One of the characters in the movie, Troy, was the basketball captain but he decided to audition to be in the school musical. His father, along with the entire basketball team, was against it and they did all they could to convince him that theater and musicals were not for him. **Stay with me** Although Troy was skilled in basketball, he wanted to sing, he was gifted to sing, but he had no support. Not even from his father – the person he looked up to most.

The other main character, Gabriella, faced similar circumstances, except the other students barely knew her, but they were aware of her academic skills and they needed her for a competition. They joined forces with the basketball team to get both Troy and Gabriella to focus on what “they” had in mind as a “win”.

God’s Will For Our Lives

Now, I’m sure you’re trying to figure out what in the world this has to do with anything. See, in life, people will talk you into doing what they think is a good fit for you. They may hear you sing and decide that you should be in the choir – when God has called you to the usher board. They may even try talking you into something just because that is the area “they” need assistance in. Often times, people have their “wins” in mind and make great plans to include you – but for their benefit.

Sadly, many times, when you decide to do what you are actually called to do, you may look around and not have any of the support that you desire or feel you need to go forth in your calling.

Your job is to answer that call anyway.

When God has called you, you answer to Him. Yep, even when others are not in favor or agreement.

Now, I know my example may seem irrelevant to you because, well, you’re beyond Disney watching age. But know that although you may come up against opposition, God is there. He is fully capable of being the backup and support system you need in order to fulfill your purpose. 2 Corinthians 12:9 in our PlayBook says, “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” God is strong when we feel too weak to go on without our family and friends. Because you know – they are the hardest to disappoint.

So, What’s the Play Call?

Here are a few things to remember when you find yourself stepping out to do God’s will, without the support system you desire for your life:

  1. Know that you were chosen for this! Our PlayBook says in Matthew 22:14, “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Make the conscious decision to answer God’s call, even when it’s not the popular decision amongst friends, family, or even saints.
  2. Keep carrying that cross! Yes, it gets tough sometimes, but when you live for Christ, it is imperative that you intentionally follow Him. “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” Matthew 16:24
  3. Seek God! It’s easy to look to friends for reassurance, but what does God have to say about what you are doing? His opinion is more important, in fact, it is the only one that matters. “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his face continually.” 1 Chronicles 16:11
  4. Be strong! Sometimes it takes strength to let others know that their ideas just don’t fit into God’s plan for your life. Let God lead you. “Finally, my brethren be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” Ephesians 6:10

When you are obedient, be prepared for God to use you and make you an example for Him – whether others approve or not.

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