Calling All Followers of Christ Jesus!
As followers of Christ, the time has come for us to put aside pride, forgive, and choose to love and pray. God is speaking! Do you hear the cry of 2 Chronicles 7:14?
It says, “If my people which are called by my name would humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
So much is going on around us. Still, we cannot turn our heads or clog our ears to the call that applies to every believer. This world needs examples of righteousness. We can no longer straddle the fence, nor should we be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. People need to hear the good news and see the good news in action. It’s time to come together!
It’s time to declare war on the devil and mean it.
Don’t agree with what you don’t agree with, and stop nodding yes when you really want to say no. Stand up straight! Say what you really mean and mean what you say. Stop compromising with wrong – it’s not okay and it should not be tolerated.
We Are God’s Soldiers
God is depending on His people to stand up. There is nothing to fear with the Greater One, who loves us all, on the inside of you (1 John 4:4).
You have the answers to the questions and that’s why they are being asked in your presence. Don’t second guess yourself. Say what God tells you to say – it may just save a life. God didn’t put a spirit of fear in you, so walk and talk with boldness. No more hesitation!
You know what you know, and the time has come for you to walk in what you know with confidence. You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for. We should be a threat to the enemy and not the other way around.
Ask yourself, “Does the enemy see me as a threat, or does he see me as an easy target?”
Are you running from your enemy or are they (he and his imps) fleeing from you? (James 4:7)
Your weapon is not only in your mouth, but it’s also in your walk. So, what are you saying and how are you acting? The words you speak should give the devil flashbacks of the conversation he had with Jesus, and as he hears your words he should be lacing up his shoes to run away.
Obedient Soldiers Are the Ultimate Threat
There is a powerful you within who can win every battle because the battle you are in is not yours, but it belongs to the Lord (1 Samuel 17:47).
Be the threat that you were created to be. Don’t run and hide when the enemy comes looking for you. Stand strong on the Word of God and say what He tells you to say – it is written! There is no need to rewrite the script. Everything you need is in the Word of God!
Whenever the enemy comes your way, just know he has been given permission to come and the purpose of his presence is for you to realize that you are powerful. Don’t be annoyed by his presence, count it all joy because you are a part of the chosen generation, the ones who are chosen to increase God’s kingdom by destroying the enemy’s kingdom.
Put 1,000 to Flight
From this moment on, don’t look at the enemy as a threat to you; you must be a threat to him. Get bold, speak life and be a threat!
The time has come for us to respond to 2 Chronicles 7:14! We have work to do, and it starts with humbling ourselves, praying, seeking God’s face, and turning from our wicked ways. We expect a lot from God, and because we are equipped, He expects a lot from us, too!
What’s been asked of us isn’t hard to do, it just takes a willingness and a desire to change our mind and set it to do the things that please our Heavenly Father.
Imagine the powerful possibilities when we do things the way God wants them done. That’s what Jesus did. He was always about His Father’s business (Luke 2:49), and if our desire is to be like Christ, that must be our desire as well.
Jesus was a threat to the enemy and He was humble. So for you and I, let’s work on ourselves. Be a threat to the enemy and the light and salt of the earth.
So, what’s the play call?
Will we do what’s asked of us in 2 Chronicles 7:14? What will you do differently the rest of this year? This world is waiting for you to be your best, and the Kingdom of God is here to cheer you on.
Don’t make us wait too long. We believe in you!