September 18th, 2024

Profile Pics vs. Heart Selfies: The Truth About Real Life on Social Media


Comparison is a Thief!

As a young woman today, there are so many ways to compare yourself to another woman. Not only is there television and movies, but now we have social media, which is a constant reminder of what we believe are our shortcomings. We compare fashion, accomplishments, relationships, lifestyles, and the list really does go on.

Most times, we are not viewing the real life of a person at the moment we view their Instagram or Facebook page; we are merely viewing the highlight of a moment – the way the person wanted it framed and positioned for public consumption. Yes, there are people on social media who are willing to be vulnerable and share more than just a pretty selfie. There are a few who share their pain and some who may give insight or encouragement.

Every single person on social media is not being “fake,” but I do believe we are all selective. It is impossible for anyone on social media to share every single moment of their lives; some real-life situations, Insta-stories, and snaps we will never see! Most, not all, won’t post very intimate conversations they may have with their loved ones, their friends, or their spouses. We won’t be so quick to share the sleepless nights we’ve been having, the anxiety we may be experiencing, the illness no one knows about, or the nights we cry not knowing what’s next in our lives.

“If Only I _______ like her…” on Social Media

social mediaMost of us will not display the struggles that we all face, but we are more willing to share the highlights of our lives. As we share the happy times or our good success, someone who is experiencing a low point in life may view our moment as perfection – not realizing that it’s just that – a moment, a snapshot.

Ladies, yes you are beautiful! Yes, your outfit is ok! Your hair is gorgeous and if you choose to wear makeup, let it be because you’re enhancing your own beauty and not trying to cover up the pain felt as you see your bare reflection in the mirror.

Our Playbook reminds us over and over again about how much God loves us, no matter what our physical appearance is. He looks at our hearts!

…”God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.” I Samuel 16:7 MSG

So, what’s the play call?

Our Playbook has confirmed that a good outward appearance is great, but it’s not what’s most important! Our society has definitely flipped that around, telling us it is more popular to be gorgeous on the outside and not even worry about our hearts.

God forbid. We need to be more conscious of our character, motives, and our intent than our selfie pose. Am I condemning selfies? Absolutely not! I take them too! The important part of it all is to not allow it to consume you.

We can break the cycle of social media comparisons with these tips:

  • Consistently speak well of yourself. It’s easy to get down on ourselves because of different life circumstances. Practice being kind to yourself, knowing you’re the handiwork of the almighty God.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14 NIV

  • Practice rejecting any thought that doesn’t agree with God’s purpose and plan for your life!

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” II Corinthians 10:5 KJV

Most certainly, God has good plans for you and you are enough! Please don’t take another moment to compare yourself to others!

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

  • Seek God for your identity. He will reveal to you exactly who you are! Walk confidently in Christ on your path to destiny and greatness! Again, remember, YOU are enough in Him!

Much Love!
Drea Frost

Drea Frost
Blogger. Lover of fashion and life. Speaker. Drea is passionate about encouraging and uplifting others. Her goal is to inspire young women and let them know that anything is possible through Christ.
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