Revenge for What? God Will Fight for You


When Offense Strikes, Revenge Draws Nigh

When a bad situation arises or someone does you wrong, typically the first thing we want to do is fight for ourselves. Most of us waste no time jumping in the boxing ring of life in order to throw back some blows.

Think about it, most bullies today hide behind their computer keyboard. You may state an opinion or even a fact, and because a person may not agree with your stance, they are ready and willing to attack with their responses. How many of us attack back? Do you feel the need to put the person in their place and let them know that you’re not willing to accept their bullying keyboard behavior?

Most of us do indeed fight back! The offensive message bubbles over in us and we have to address what was said.

You Hurt Me.

revengeOn the other hand, there are moments in life when we feel betrayed or done wrong by those we love. What do you do when someone close to you offends you? Is it ok to fight back?

We live in a world today where most are fighting back, and we are not holding our peace nor turning the other cheek.

Have you ever considered that there is no need for revenge? Our Playbook lets us know that God will fight for us (Exodus 14:14). He will fight for us only if we are willing to allow Him to do so. Allowing God to fight for you may appear to others as if you’re losing by not fighting back, but I’ve never seen God lose a battle yet!

We serve the all-knowing, all-powerful, winning Savior! You are more than a conqueror through Christ, but you must be willing to humble yourself and trust that the Creator knows more than the created.

So, what’s the play call?

  • There is no need for revenge. Chill. Please get out of the way of God’s work and His timing. He is well able to take care of a situation far better than you! Are you willing to trust Him?

I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them.” Deuteronomy 32:35 NLT

  • Pray for anyone who uses you. Yes, that’s what I said, pray sincerely and earnestly for those who knowingly take the time to use you for their own benefit. Today, we call them “opportunists.” Pray for people who have no depth, and known ill intent. Even in knowing there is a hidden agenda, continue to pray for them! Who better to deal with a wicked heart than God? He can transform any life – He transformed yours!

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Matthew 5:44 KJV

  • Don’t use your success as a weapon. There is a quote that many people who are hurting use, “the best revenge is your success.” Honestly, if you’re driven to be successful just to show off to your enemies, you’re only displaying the bitterness that exists in your heart. Let your intentions and your success be clear of vengeance. Reach for and obtain success because that’s a part of your inheritance package as a King’s kid – not because you want others to “see” how you “made it” without them.
  • Love is always the order of the day. Love covers. Love is that warm blanket fresh out of the dryer after being outside on a cold wintery day. Love reassures you, love affirms you, love blankets itself around you and covers you. If you’re at a lost on what to do or how to treat someone who has clearly and blatantly done you wrong, love them! Love changes everything.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” I Peter 4:8 NIV

Teammates, your will to please God should always outweigh your will to please the world. Let’s all become better, together.

Much Love.

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[…] benefits. Sadly, we see these same actions depicted in the church between teammates who are fighting against each other for notoriety or positions instead of working together to do God’s will. Thirdly, we see […]