Team Jesus Magazine Writer Spotlight: Meet Kristina from Florida

Get up close and personal with the writers of Team Jesus Magazine.


Teammate Kristina Bolton: The Preachy Writer and Speaker

We have read their words of encouragement and inspiration week in and week out here in Team Jesus Magazine. Now, let’s take an intimate look into the lives of some amazing writers who love Jesus and love to serve His Team with the power of words.

kristina bolton

Kristina, how did you come to write for Team Jesus Magazine, how long, and why was it important for you to share with Team Jesus?

Since I returned to social media in 2018, I started following Team Jesus Magazine. I admired the content and stance for the truth. I love the balanced Gospel – salt and sweet. People not only need encouragement but correction as well. It keeps us on the straight and narrow, and that’s what God desires. That’s what helps us make it to heaven.

After following the magazine for months, I saw a post that read, “Write for us!” and I heard the Spirit say “Write for them.” I submitted my application, Kim and I had a great conversation, and the rest is history. It has been a lovely and edifying experience. I have been writing for TJM for approximately five months. It’s important for me to share with Team Jesus because I love joining in on the advancement of the Kingdom. I have never been a sideline warrior; I love getting in on the action!

So, who is Kristina Bolton?

When I meet people, that’s one of the first questions I am asked. They always want to know where did I come from.  I’m new to the public, but I have been in the Lord for over 12 years. I am like David, who was anointed while he was in his father’s house and learning about God on the backside of the desert.

I am originally from West Palm Beach, FL, and of Haitian descent. I was “born again” in 2006 and received the “call” of God in 2007.  Like the Prophet Elisha, I have spent years learning and training in God under a mighty Apostle, Sharon D. Walker (my spiritual Elijah). I am the wife of Caleb and mother to our five children. I am a preacher of the Gospel. I operate strongly in the prophetic and revelation.

Outside of being a daughter of God, wife, mother, assistant, a leader in the body of Christ, student, daughter, friend, sister, writer, author, manager, and podcaster – I am just plain me. I enjoy traveling, the beach, Asian culture, and laughing with my friends. People say if I wasn’t a preacher, I could have been a comedian. The world will never know.

Where did “The Preachy Writer” come from?

kristina bolton the preachy writerThe Lord instructed me to write in 2011, in which I began seeking Him further. I released my writings to the public in 2018, but before I got started, the Lord led me to a Writer’s Conference in February 2018. I met a lot of great people. But this one woman, in particular, said to me, “I like you, I just don’t want you so preachy.” I looked into her eyes and said, “What if the preacher is who you are?”  You can believe that this was the end of our convo.

I went back to my room and began to pray. The Lord had me define “preach.” It means to proclaim or teach publicly. Understand, I was instructed by God to write – it’s not my career. It is a mandate the Lord has given me. I must proclaim and teach Him through my gift of writing.

People have really misinterpreted what it means to preach. Today, it almost has a negative connotation. Despite the industry’s rejection of preachy writers, The Lord led me to embrace the name in the same way the Pharisees mocked Jesus by placing a sign over the cross that read “King of the Jews”.  So, what I was mocked for, God will use to glorify Himself. And, I’m ok with being a rebel to industry standards. My mission is to please God and I am The Preachy Writer!

Is there any particular burden the Lord has given you for His Team?

My passion is God. He has given me a desire to help every willing person make it into the Kingdom of God. I love souls, and I fight for people. If you look at the scriptures, what separated God from humankind? Sin. So, if we can help people turn from their sin, they can be reconciled to God. That comes only through the acceptance of Jesus Christ, repentance, and abstaining from sin.  There is so much false doctrine and compromise in this world hindering people from truly experiencing God. If God changed me, He can change anyone. God has given me a heart for souls. He has anointed me to teach and manifest Him through my preaching, whether it is by speaking or writing.

Tell us about an embarrassing moment?

Oh wow, I am sure I am going to regret this one. Well, when my husband and I were just friends, we had a little gathering with some other friends. We played games, ate pizza and wings… just a good fellowship. So, as I am winning in a game of spades, I stood up trash-talking the other team. Somehow, my chair got moved (someone took it, they thought it was a free chair) and before I knew it, this plus-size princess was on her back in the corner of the room like a cockroach with my legs and arms in the air fighting to get up. As I looked up from the floor, there was this handsome man in the room, hysterically laughing (with everyone), and helping me up. I was so humiliated LOL.

Readers! Share your encouragement and feedback with Kristina!
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