July 27th, 2024

When Jesus Says No, Is His No Enough?


We Are Sons and Daughters of God

My daughter is 2 years old and currently supplies me with all the things expected of her at this age. These last couple of years have been incredibly eye-opening as I’ve taken on the role of a parent. God has shown me parallels between my relationship with her and His relationship with me.

This past week, I recognized something very interesting about my daughter’s behavior. She wanted to play with the nail clippers, but I told her she wasn’t allowed to. My repeated “no” – no matter how firm it got – seemed to mean nothing to her. She was going to grab those clippers unless I physically made it impossible for her.

I found myself getting extremely frustrated. I shouted at her, “Why is my ‘no’ not enough?!”

And there it was: the parallel I mentioned earlier – the one relating the interactions I have with my daughter to the ones I have with my Heavenly Father. I felt His Spirit repeat within me, a little gentler and coated with a lot more patience, “Why is My ‘no’ not enough?”

Say Yes to God’s No

When you call yourself a Christian, someone who is submitted to the will of God, it’s hard to admit when you haven’t been fully obedient in trusting God.

We’ve all battled with this on various occasions. We declare in a catchy Sunday song that we won’t move unless He moves or we’ll stay if He stays, but during the week we’re making all kinds of moves without ever acknowledging Him, or worse yet, ignoring Him. Sometimes we set our desires and plans so fiercely before our eyes that we don’t hear His warning.

That job might be a dead end. That vacation trip might end up being dangerous. That relationship might turn out to be unhealthy and abusive.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

You’re a Good, Good Father, Lord

Many times we suffer because we have not respected His authority over our lives and our decisions. Sometimes, our good Father has to physically withhold us from the things we want the most in order to fulfill His role as a loving Protector.

I do the same with my daughter. It’s my responsibility to keep her safe and raise her to know what’s right from wrong. But here’s the thing – we’re not children forever. We have free will and if we continue to grieve the Holy Spirit, we’ll experience the consequences of our actions.

A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed —without remedy.” – Proverbs 29:1

In the New Testament, a stubborn group of people was given over to the desires they craved so deeply, reaping within themselves the result of a destructive lifestyle.

Consider carefully what you hear,” He continued. “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you — and even more. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.”  Mark 4:24

So, What’s the Play Call?

Let’s count it an honor to hear from Almighty God, choosing to slow down, hear His voice, and do exactly as He says. Even if it’s a ‘no’, we’re trusting His leading and guaranteed to reap everlasting life.

Andrea Matthewshttp://www.andreaspaige.com
Andrea is a passionate storyteller and aspiring author. As a young wife and mother, Andrea's desire is to encourage other millennials to live for Christ. Follow her journey at andreaspaige.com
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