July 27th, 2024

Your Maker is Your Husband: The Joys of Saying “I Do” to God


For your Maker is your husband – the Lord Almighty is His name…” – Isaiah 54:5

What a strange thing for God to say, especially from the perspective of a new bride in her early twenties like myself. Nonetheless, this is the revelation He gave me just days after saying “I do” to another person claiming that role.

To be honest, I didn’t want to hear that. It was obviously some old-time metaphor, the one verse in the Bible that had nothing to do with me. It’s surrounding scriptures even targeted a woman who couldn’t have kids, a struggle with which I couldn’t identify.

Yet, God began to show me the other roles He claimed in my life: friend, teacher, provider, defender. That list went on as deeply as I would allow. Its only limit was me; God could only fill a position I permitted. But, He kept pressing.

So, fine. Be my husband, God, if that’s what You want. (Did I mention I was a young bride?)

Despite my lack of enthusiasm, He jumped at the open door and did just that.

God filled me.

He took over every aspect of the new union I had just stepped into and exceeded my wildest expectations. Our relationship (me and God) was taken to a greater level of trust, a greater level of intimacy much like the earthly relationship.

The best part was what this new mindset did in my earthly marriage. I didn’t have to drain my husband for love or affection or security because I found it in my Maker. My husband wasn’t burdened with the pressure of perfection; he didn’t have to fill my cup. I was already whole – more than that, I was overflowing (2 Corinthians 9:8, Psalm 23:5).

Instead of craving for my needs to be met, I couldn’t help but shower the man I loved with the love I constantly received from the One who created me.

I see now that my initial hesitation was nestled in fear. If God took over every role in my life, I’d lose the people who previously filled them. They meant more to me than I thought He could.

I’ve realized that, regardless of the relationship, God has to take priority. If He’s not first, I’ll find myself demanding my fulfillment from friends, family, coworkers, or even my kids – leaving those connections unhealthy and less than their intended purpose.

I’m just four years into this marriage thing, so I’m obviously not an expert, but I’m grateful for this truth and the growth it’s brought to my relationships.

So, What’s the Play Call?

Know that there is none like our God (Isaiah 46:9). He is more than enough and still blesses us with more.

God is continuously claiming more roles in my life, and I hope my journey encourages you to open your heart and allow Him to do the same.

Andrea Matthewshttp://www.andreaspaige.com
Andrea is a passionate storyteller and aspiring author. As a young wife and mother, Andrea's desire is to encourage other millennials to live for Christ. Follow her journey at andreaspaige.com


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Kathleen M Thompson
Kathleen M Thompson
4 years ago

How comforting this verse was to me when I became widowed after 34 years of marriage and was lost.

Deirdre Howard
Deirdre Howard
3 years ago

Hi I guess the church is the bride of christ. Also so comforting to know our maker is our husband. We are not alone

3 years ago

Thank you for sharing;this blessed me!

Thank you so much for this this was an uplifting t
Thank you so much for this this was an uplifting t
3 years ago

Thank you so much for this this was an uplifting that I needed to hear

I have always read the scripture for over 30 years and God has never left me nor for sake in me and never fails me thanks again

Stephanie F
Stephanie F
3 years ago

How do you switch from looking at God as your Heavenly Father and I his daughter, to Him being my husband. Those are 2 different relationships.

3 years ago

It’s so comforting to know that HE is my husband. Question – it sounds so strange to me to hear a man say that He is his husband! Help me out here!

3 years ago

This article has truly blessed me as God has been reemphasizing His role as my only source as I often found myself looking to my husband for provision and affection and so much else since I’ve been married 11 years. It’s amazing how this 1 verse has changed things for me, thank you for sharing your experience with us Andrea. God bless you

2 years ago

This article is so powerful and true. I saw the old me and I am so grateful that I have aligned God’s role in my life as priority no. 1. I can truly relate to the surpassing peace it has brought and how it has removed the yoke of attention seeking which had me bound for far too long.

Thanks you for sharing this!

2 years ago

Wow this is such an amazing revelation and reminder!! God wants us to have whole relationships and healed relationships and it is when we put him first!

Jan Ferrell
Jan Ferrell
2 years ago

I read this several months ago and saved it. I read it today and was reminded of how my relationship with God has grown.

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