Faint Not.
If you’re like me and the average human being, if the choice was yours you’d prefer to skip all of the pain, suffering, and frustrations that often come with reaping the good. “Umm… can we just skip to the good part?”
God’s process never works like that. I liberally use the absolute “never”, because the more I get to know the Lord, the more I understand His love for us. And, because He loves us so much, He would never do us harm by only allowing life to bring joy, happiness, and beds of ease.
If that were the case, when would we ever need God? When would our souls ever thirst for Him like the deer pants for water (Psalm 42:1)?
So, yeah. As we walk this life with God, there will be seasons where it feels like you’re going to faint under the pressure. And oddly enough, that’s actually a good sign. How?
That Fainting Feeling is a Sign.
Have you ever felt faint or actually fainted? It’s scary. There’s an awful sense of fear and panic due to the imminent loss of physical and emotional control.
Ever notice how that fainting feeling comes with distress – not the abundance of peace? When’s the last time you felt immense fear and panic when you were happy without a care in the world?
We often miss this perspective on fainting that the scripture is trying to teach us:
If reaping the good is guaranteed if we don’t faint, then that fainting feeling is a sign that reaping is coming!
Teammates, you’re not fainting – you’re reaping!
When Reaping Hurts, Read the Signs.
As painful as the feeling of fainting may be – wanting to give up and throw in the towel, whispers of doubt whether God will save you, feeling hopeless and fatigued because you’ve given your all and you’re now on ‘E’ – it’s actually a good sign. The feeling of fainting is:
A sign of God’s closeness.
If you’re feeling like you’re about to faint, you’re most likely walking through a trial, tribulation, or an extreme wilderness experience. With that being said, you have God’s utmost attention this very moment, even if it’s dark and you’re feeling around for God and can’t seem to find Him. God said in His Word that He is not only close to those who are brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18), but He is a VERY present help in the time of trouble (Psalm 46:1).
A sign of learning and discovery.
If you’re feeling like you’re about to faint, class is in session! You have been chosen in this season to advance your knowledge of God. I like how T. D. Jakes puts it in his book, God’s Provision: There is something about going through dilemmas and crises that bring us to the place where we discover things about God which we would not have known under other circumstances. In this aspect, God is with you has your faithful teacher, gentle guide, and strong sustainer. He wants you to pass the test, and He won’t leave you, ever!
A sign of your fruitful inheritance.
If you’re feeling like you’re about to faint, it’s an indicator of unrealized blessings. You know that weight of panic you feel in your chest? No worries, that’s just the weight of the abundant inheritance that’s coming your way! Those feelings of doubt, fear, depression… they’re all a sign of your flesh warring against the very real truth that deliverance is coming, God’s best for you is en route, and unspeakable joy is on the way to overtake you! Trust God’s promises over what you feel.
So, What’s the Play Call?
There’s an inheritance dedicated just for you that you haven’t caught up with yet. Even though we can’t bite into the fruit the same day we plant the seed, there’s a process at work bringing the fruit to the table that we can’t see. God never promised the process won’t be painful, frustrating, or come with disappointments, but the promise is guaranteed! And though it has not yet fully manifested, it already exists – it’s real, it’s yours, and the enemy can’t stop it!
There’s only one condition we all must follow – don’t faint. Don’t die in the wilderness, teammates! Don’t give up before God gets to show off His amazing blessing for your life. It is not God’s intention to kill you in this season, but to kill the mindsets, perspectives, strongholds, and sin in our lives that keep us from living abundantly in His purpose.
Hang in there with God. It won’t always be like this – the good part is closer than you think!
Here’s a little encouragement for the journey…