July 27th, 2024

5 Self-Care Tips That Will Enrich Your Marriage


It takes time and planning to properly care for yourself – body, mind, and spirit. However, as adults, our days may be so filled with caring for our families and establishing careers, that we often neglect to take care of our own needs and grow our marriages.

It is important to step back every now and then to both reassess where we are in life and how we can improve our marriages. It is important to realize the value of self-care to help us lead happier, healthier lives, and maintain a thriving marriage.

So, What’s the Play Call?


If you’ve been overwhelmed by the bustle of life, perhaps it is time to refocus and try these self-care tips to regain purpose and clarity in your marriage.

1. Switch off the phone.

We are often bombarded with news, updates, and social media from every angle. Sometimes, it is good to disconnect from technology in order to reconnect with yourself and your loved ones. Make a point of switching your mobile phone off during dinner or time spent with your spouse in the evenings. Don’t take work calls after hours and ensure that your family time becomes a priority. Easier said than done… but start small with an hour of ‘no phone time’ and use this time to engage with your spouse in meaningful conversation.

2. It’s okay to take a break.

Rest is essential for good health and a good marriage. It’s okay to say no to some of the activities that keep you from your family and marriage. We can’t keep doing things to please others and run on empty in order to fulfill everyone’s expectations.

Take time out from the busyness of everyday life and enjoy a quiet moment alone, or with your spouse. Alone time is such a great opportunity to speak to God and unburden your heart. Time alone with your spouse is equally important. A quick coffee date or catchup may be all you need to refocus and reconnect.

You may even want to schedule these little breaks into your calendar – add a weekly couch catchup to your schedule and look forward to this time spent with your spouse. Keeping the lines of communication open is a good way to keep your marriage in full bloom!

3. Embrace Nature.

Nature has many therapeutic benefits that are essential for your health. If you feel stuck in a negative space, go for a walk around your neighborhood or simply sit outside and embrace the intricate beauty of nature as God intended. Invite your spouse on your next walk or plan a weekend hike or camping trip in nature to reboot and de-stress.

It was the Psalmist David who explained the magnificence of nature. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands,” (Psalm 19:1).

Plan to get outdoors with your spouse, to seek God and re-energize for the next season of your lives together.

4. Plan small gestures of affection.

You don’t always need a big, grand gesture to express your love to your spouse. There are far more opportunities for smaller gestures of affection that you can do every day.

Leave your husband a little love note in his lunchbox, or send him a random ‘thinking of you’ text during the day. Every now and then, come home with your spouse’s favorite sweet treats or a bunch of flowers to brighten her day. These simple acts of affection will have a far-reaching effect on their mood – and yours. You are both more likely to feel happier, loved, and cared for.

Start small and never take for granted that your spouse knows how you feel about them. Small gestures of affection are a great reinforcement to show that you care.

5. Make healthier choices together.

As a couple, decide to live healthier and make the choice to implement these changes in your household together. Cut out junk food, drink more water, get active and enjoy the simple pleasures of a healthy lifestyle as a family. Soon enough, you may find that you both feel and look better and have more energy to focus on yourself and invest in your marriage.

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon Mclaughlin.


Tamsyn Corneliushttp://www.tceditorialservices.co.za/
Tamsyn Cornelius is a wife and mother, as well as a writer and editor, based in her home town of Cape Town, South Africa. As a creative, she loves color, décor and crafting beautiful things with her hands. Her first love is Jesus and she takes great pride in sharing her passion for God through the written word.
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