Anger Issues, Men, and the Pursuit of Godly Character


I Have Anger Issues, But I Love God.

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to be a man of character in our society? Reacting with anger for some men is normal, however, it only brings pain to those around us. I should know – anger used to fill my emotional tank as a young man. If someone cut me off on the road or looked at my girlfriend, I would be filled with rage.

The hate inside of me fueled acts of violence and distaste toward anyone who viewed the world differently from me. I destroyed many relationships and excited fear in those who loved me. I wore hate on my face like a mask, and eventually, I couldn’t get it off. Anger was all my heart knew, until…

Follow the Steps Of A Righteous Man

If we desire to live a righteous life before God and others as men of high character, let’s start with these 3 steps, as shown in the book of James:

James 1:19-20: “This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.”

1. Listen carefully to God and others.

Have you ever experienced the sweetness of sitting in the presence of God and not asking Him anything? Sitting in the presence of God quietly is a discipline and takes practice. An athlete will discipline himself every day to grow stronger. It is the same with spiritual disciplines in our life.

My grandpa always did tell me that I should listen to anyone who talks to me because you never know when you’re going to hear something that you need to hear. This is so true from a cultural and spiritual perspective. God speaks through other people to us, so listen!

2. Don’t talk so much, man!

There is freedom in this nugget of truth. Next time you have a conversation, try to listen more than you talk. You will be amazed at what you see and hear. Most people are hurting and looking for someone to encourage them. Try it!

3. Remember that anger is a choice.

Jesus living in us gives us a choice whether or not to fall into the trap of unrighteous anger. Jesus is bigger than our emotions! His Word is our security and hope for the future!

So, What’s The Play Call?

Brother, God’s Word is true, but our emotions can mislead us. Use the practical steps that James 1:19-20 teaches us and overcome your anger issues.

Listen carefully to God’s voice in the midst of tense conversation, and look for opportunities to share Jesus and His character. God sent us men as His Gospel bearers for our families and the world!


Do You Know Where You Are Going After Death?

  1. Agree with God that you mess up and there is sin in your life (Romans 3:23).
  2. Believe that Jesus took your place on a torture device (1 Peter 2:24).
  3. Turn away from the sin/mistakes in your life (Acts 3:19).
  4. Receive Christ into your heart (John 1:12).

Doulos (Bondservant to Christ),

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