Sunday, March 30, 2025
71.1 F

Team Jesus

5 Ways to Keep the Diet Culture from Damaging Your Identity in Christ

Has society's diet culture shifted our focus from our identity in Christ? Here's how to know who you are no matter your weight, size, or figure.

4 Reasons to Make Rest a Priority in Your Life

In order to live out our God-given assignments, we must learn to make rest a priority. Here are some reasons why rest should be higher on our to-do list.

An Open Door: A Faith-based, Short Film by Ray Jones

“An Open Door” follows a woman named Nadia as she struggles with financial hardship. With nowhere left to look, she prays for a sign.

Are You Prepared for Marriage, or Excited About the Wedding?

While much planning and preparation go into a wedding, how prepared are the bride and groom for a successful marriage? Let's see.

A Thriving Relationship With Jesus: How The Thrive Zone Church Makes An Impact

Meet teammate Denise Williams, senior leader of The Thrive Zone Church, and read her advice for fellow new pastors spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Online Church During a Crisis: 7 Tips for Better Online Worship Services

The necessity and convenience of online church are undeniable, especially in a crisis. Try these 7 tips to improve your church's online worship experience.

Join ‘Each One Win One’ and Share Jesus Christ with the World

Join Team Jesus Magazine's "Each One Win One" campaign and pledge to be more consistent and intentional in sharing Jesus Christ with others.

Tips to Renew Your Mind, Body & Spirit

Are you on the road to burnout? Here are some tips to avoid exhaustion and replenish your mind, body, and spirit.

Your Daily Gift: 4 Ways The Breath of Life is More Than Just Oxygen

As we take an average of 24,000 breaths per day, know that the breath of life is much more than God's gift of oxygen in our lungs.

Team Jesus Magazine Writer Spotlight: Meet Tamsyn from South Africa

These teammates love Jesus and love serving His Team with powerful words of inspiration and encouragement. Meet Tamsyn!

The Necessity of “Out of My Mind” Faith

I Must Be Out of My Mind Have you ever used this phrase? Of course, we all have at one point...

I’m a Christian, Should I Meditate?

Should Christians Meditate? Did you know that the word meditate is mentioned in more than 20 scriptures in the Bible? ...