“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.” – Romans 8:11

DIY Won’t Work for Our Temples

I’m a stay-at-home mom and, true to the stereotype, I love watching HGTV. Home makeovers, design tips, DIY tutorials – that’s all me!

My current favorite is Fixer Upper, a show about a couple who is literally transforming their town one house at a time. The entire process is fascinating to me, how someone can put money down on a dump trusting the vision of the designer. They knock down walls, take up flooring, redo the entire layout. In the end, it’s a completely different home, one whose value has increased exponentially.

I’m sure you know where I’m going with this now…

Lord, Make Me Over?

When we accept the price our Heavenly Father paid for us, we accept His purpose for our lives. From the foundation to the pipe and wire work to the tile on the roof – He has full reign to form and process us (Jeremiah 1:5).

What a privilege, yes? Our Maker takes complete ownership of us and promises to renew our lives. That’s an honor…right?

As good Christians reading a Jesus-centered online magazine, we’d all answer yes!

But, what happens when uprooting our previous foundation gets uncomfortable, the breaking of windows shatters all we’ve ever known, and the tumbling of our walls hurts like the hell we’ve been saved from?

It’s possible we lose sight of the blueprint He’s written out for us (Jeremiah 29:11). The process takes too long. Without the picture of His promise directly before our eyes, we often give up. We chose to limit His say on the project of our lives.

You can have that room over there, but that’s it. I’ve got the rest.”

But, it doesn’t work that way. This Contractor needs all or nothing. Why? Because He knows that if an inch of the property is not submitted to His perfect will, the entire home will crumble to destruction (Proverbs 14:12).

So, What’s the Play Call?

Ephesians 4:27 advises us to “give no opportunity to the devil…And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”

Allow God’s Spirit to complete the work He started in us (Philippians 1:6, Hebrews 12:2). He is faithful to do it. Be encouraged and encourage the Body of Christ to stand firm on the promise He provided when you first said “yes” to His plan.

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