October 23rd, 2024

How to Rekindle Your Child-Like Faith and Wonder in God


Every few months, my little girl expresses a newfound ambition towards a future career. First, her dream was to become an artist, and then a rock star, followed by a doctor, a scientist, and even a squirrel. She is only eight years old, but for her, the world is her oyster and if she can dream it, she believes that she can most certainly achieve it.

Who am I to tell her otherwise?

As we age, we tend to lose that child-like faith, wonder, and confidence to step out into the unknown, into a place where anything and everything is possible. As adults, the choices we make are often rooted in our reality. We err on the side of caution and base our decisions around our present situations and the ‘practicality’ of the moment.

We often forget about those wild childhood dreams and the many plans we may have conjured up about our future selves. If we were to picture our lives as adults, would we see the people we have become today? Or, would we be a little disappointed with the outcome?

Child-like Faith Makes Jesus Smile

child-like faithIt was Jesus who said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these,” (Matthew 19:4). What is it about these little ones that captivate Jesus so? In reality, we can’t stay young and naïve as children forever. But, we can certainly learn a lot about faith and trust when we look at how young children operate in the world.

Children so effortlessly live with carefree abandon. They enter the world as risk-takers and young adventurers. And yet, as we become adults, we dream less and become far more complacent, often letting go of the passions and dreams we once carried in our hearts.

In the same way, when we first become believers, we may experience child-like faith in an all-powerful God who miraculously saved us from death and gave us freedom in Jesus. It truly is the ultimate real-life super-hero story… where an almighty God sacrifices Himself to restore mankind. Wow – such a beautiful and intimate love story that calls us out of the darkness and into the light.

Jesus: ‘Forget Me Not’

When our heads and hearts first begin to process this amazing Good News of our salvation in Jesus, we easily choose to live out of a new-found faith and freedom. We risk more, share more, and love more. With eagerness and urgency, we spend more time with God and we freely tell others about Him.

As time goes on, however, we may become complacent. We slowly lose our zeal for the things of God. Our passion wanes and we may even draw cold as we forget the enormity of who we are in Christ and what He did for us.

So, what’s the play call?

Restore Your Child-Like Faith

Is it possible to restore that child-like faith and wonder in Jesus, even years after making a commitment to follow Him? How do we get back to that place of reckless abandon for God, where nothing else matters and we can live our lives wholly for Him?

Try these simple tips:

1. Remember.

We need to actively remind ourselves and our fellow believers of all the Lord has done for us. In remembering, our faith can be renewed. Even the Israelites, God’s chosen people, forgot about His miraculous rescue. They had to remind one another that God had parted the sea to set them free. In remembering, we honor God, stir up our faith, and can more easily trust Him for the future. If He has done it before, He can do it again.

Psalm 105:4-6: “Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face continually. Remember His wonders which He has done, His marvels and the judgments uttered by His mouth, O seed of Abraham, His servant, O sons of Jacob, His chosen ones!”

2. Seek Intimacy.

When we spend time with God, worship Him, and read the Word, we open ourselves to hearing His voice and experiencing all that He has for us. Intimacy with the Father will push us into a place of restored faith as we become more and more like Jesus. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me,” (Galatians 2:20).

3. Imitate Christ.

Jesus’ life was one of remarkable faith and sacrifice. Even as a child, he went about His life wholly committed to His “Father’s business” (Luke 2:49). As an adult, He risked it all, performed miracles, and shared the love of the Father. Jesus gave up His very existence as a man to set us free from the depths of sin.

If we are to rekindle a child-like faith in Christ, we only need to study the life of Jesus. Be guided by His walk to see that every day was one of faith and the risk to fulfill the Father’s plan.

4. Step out of the boat.

God’s plan is always bigger than we can imagine. It will demand risk and stepping outside of your comfort zone to accomplish His purposes. We can sit back and become complacent, or we can push through and step out of the boat to experience the fullness of God working in our lives. Who knows, we may even rekindle the dreams in our hearts and walk on water with Jesus!

So, is God calling you to step out of the boat today? We want to encourage you to take the leap and rekindle your first love. For it is written, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human mind has conceived – the things God has prepared for those who love Him,” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

Tamsyn Corneliushttp://www.tceditorialservices.co.za/
Tamsyn Cornelius is a wife and mother, as well as a writer and editor, based in her home town of Cape Town, South Africa. As a creative, she loves color, décor and crafting beautiful things with her hands. Her first love is Jesus and she takes great pride in sharing her passion for God through the written word.
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