Prepare Yourself Now for What’s to Come Next


Time Waits For No One

A typical phrase, right?  And, it’s very true.  November is here and we are on the heels of crossing over into 2019. Are you ready? Are you prepared?

Preparation is the one thing that qualifies you for what’s to come. It is defined as the action or process of making ready or being made ready for use or consideration.  Preparation is God’s idea of us showing Him that we are ready for His promises. It’s not always easy, but it is a major step and it’s necessary.

Consider this for a moment:  God says in Genesis 6 that He is going to flood the earth, and He gives Noah the key to surviving the flood which is to build an ark. The building of the ark is Noah’s preparation for the flood. This will sustain Noah and his family.

The question I’d like for you to consider is what if Noah ignored God’s instruction to build the ark?

The instruction given to Noah would not only protect him and his family from drowning in the flood, but this is the portal to keeping covenant with God.  Think about this for a moment. God wants to start something new on the earth and His desire is to do it with you!  What feelings do you think God would have toward Noah if he ignored His instruction, which would break their covenant?

The God Idea

prepare yourselfThe storyline of Noah and the ark is all about preparation for a God Idea.

Many of us have God Ideas, but we find ourselves frustrated because of the lack of preparation. To stick with the storyline, our frustration is an indication that we are drowning in the Idea because of our failure to prepare and build.

When a mother carries a child for 9 months, there is something that most mothers have which is called a baby shower.  This baby shower is the very thing that prepares the family, mother, and child for the God Idea of “be fruitful and multiply”.

Twenty-nineteen is going to be a year of birthing for many of us, but it will only happen to the prepared. Vision and purpose will not be birthed in this season to those who are not willing to build an ark.

So, what’s the play call?

It’s time to build, it’s time to work (John 9:4)!  Gather your ideas and start to look at them from the end to the beginning. Yep, I said it just like that because the only way to produce a God Idea is to look at it backward. See it complete in God and then prayerfully strategize on how you will bring it to fruition.

Preparation is the key. Let’s build an Ark!

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