Playing Creator
Have you ever sat back and imagined recreating your life? You know. You take inventory of all the things you find wrong with yourself and make alterations in your mind. If you had your way, you would change your look, voice, family background, financial status, anointing, birthplace, calling, gifts, and much more. I have been in that place before. And by the time you are finished, you look at your creation and realize that the current “you” would be non-existent if you had the chance.
I teach about the process of salvation often, and self-rejection is something I find that many others have gone through. Everyone wants to see their unique place in the heart of God, The Father. The truth is discovering your place may take time. It is during this time that many disappointingly question God about their design. This is called self-rejection.
What is Rejection?
Rejection is defined as non-acceptance, refusal, or dismissing an idea. To self-reject means that you have refused to accept the person that God has created you to be. At times it can even evolve into self-hate. This may derive from rejection from others, comparison to another teammate, failures, or unfairly valuing certain positions in the body over others. Self-rejection has caused people to discard who and what God has called them, carry low self-esteem, and for some never accepting the place that God has for them. If you find yourself in this place, God has some encouragement for you today.
Psalms 139:14 (ESV) says, “I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” I love this passage of Scripture because it tells us where to find the understanding of how wonderful the works of God are. It is located in our soul.
Deep down inside of us, God has laid the knowledge of who we are and the acceptance of why God created us the way He did. Our minds may be confused, but inside of our soul lies the understanding that God is the Creator and we are wonderful works formed by His miraculous hands.
Moses Experienced Self-Rejection
Recall in Exodus 4:10-12, as Moses is at the burning bush, he tells God that he is not able to complete what God has called him to because he is not “eloquent” and he is “slow of speech and tongue.”
In turn, God has to check Moses and remind him that He is the Creator. God then offers to teach Moses and be with his mouth. But, his self-rejection was so strong that he rejected help from God and pleaded for a replacement. While God allowed Aaron to be the mouthpiece instead of Moses, this was not His perfect will.
The Great Body of Christ

To accept Christ and be a part of His body is one of the best choices we can make. But, what a greater effect we can make in this world if we occupied the parts appropriately.
We are placed in our positions by the Spirit of God as it pleases Him (1 Corinthians 12:18). Understand the natural body – some of the most vital pieces are never seen. The heart, brain, and lungs are just a few areas of the body that we may never see but are essential to the life of the body.
Unfortunately, emphasis on the entire body working together is one thing that we lack as a team. Today, most people are interested in being the mouthpiece of God. However, a mouth that cannot move because it does not have feet can only talk to themselves. The Body of Christ can only be great when we all work together in our appropriate places and function.
My Story
For years I battled with self-rejection. I was labeled as “too passionate,” “radical,” or “strong.” So, I tried to change by practicing in the mirror and imitating those who I thought were “better” than me.
I tried so hard to be different. But like fire shut in my bones, I found myself bursting with great passion. The person God created me to be was uncontainable, and I had to find my value from God.
He ministered to me the same message I give to you. God let me know that He created me with a distinct purpose in mind. In His all-knowing power, He knew what I would need to complete my missions. Later, it was the very things that I rejected about myself that made my anointing unique and powerful. It was those same attributes that God used to win souls to His Kingdom.
It is my prayer for every teammate to find their value and place on this team. Anyone can find themselves rejecting who they are. We can look all over the world and see the evidence of self-rejection.
It was for this reason that Paul said to compare ourselves is not wise (2 Corinthians 10:12). It can cause you to question God. Moses rejected the perfect will of God to be the chosen mouthpiece because he dismissed his abilities due to his perceived inadequacies.
God knew what we were when He called us. He knows how to fix what’s wrong, and strengthen what is weak. Self-rejection is a part of the growing pains of salvation, but when you find yourself questioning God, remember you are a marvelous work in the hands of The Almighty.