4 Practical Tips from God’s Parenting Guide


Where Can Parents Find the Best Parenting Advice?

parenting guide

Like most parents, the birth of my daughter was one of the most amazing and humbling moments in my entire life. I recall that at the age of thirty-five, McKinzie was born with ten perfect little

 fingers and toes; her eyes were brown and her smile was like fire to ice, it melted my heart.

At that moment, I didn’t think about how I would be able to take care of her as a single mother. All I could do is think about how much my Abba Father God loved me, His child. He loved me so much that He gifted me with her, something so precious and priceless despite my imperfections.

That is what parents do – they love, care for, and bless their children. They raise them to be God-fearing, law-abiding, humble and respectful vessels – manifestations of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


There is Guidance for Parents

I will be really transparent for a moment when I say parenting has been one of the most difficult responsibilities that I have ever had, and that is an understatement. But, it is also one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.

There is no mistake in saying that there is definitely a learning curve when it comes to being a parent for the first time and that it is impossible not to make mistakes. Then I think about how our Father God loves and cares for multitudes of His children and He has done so seamlessly, never taking His eyes, hands, or heart off of any of us.  Imagine that!

Did you know that the Bible is not only our guiding light for life in general that addresses every single peak and valley that we face in life, including parenting? The Word is the ultimate training and parenting guide for Christian parents and it helps us rear our children as God does with us.

How Does the Bible Guide Us Parents?

1. Take everything (including our children) to God in prayer.

When we are tempted to worry about our children, it reminds us to think about how God our Father has directed us to guide our children towards the Kingdom of God. As parents, we should not be anxious for anything, but we must pray for everything and be grateful for all things including the good and bad (Philippians 4:6). Prayer is essential and after prayer, we must give it to God and allow Him to have His way.

2. Raise and care for our children as God cares for us.

Proverbs 22:6 teaches us that we should raise our children in the way God would have us to, and over time, they will not stray from these values. This verse is one of the clearest and concise connections between how we parent and the outcome of how we raise our children. As parents, we are charged with training our children—no matter what happens afterward. We must be steadfast to our parenting guide, The Bible, and in doing so our children will become adults with Christ-like values, morals, and principles.

3. Share the Word of God with our children.

Deuteronomy 4:8-9 says, “And what great nation is there, that has statutes and rules so righteous as all this law that I set before you today? Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children.”

It is in this message that Moses shares with parents that they are to talk about the Word of God and the discussion should be direct and intentional, in addition to prayer. It is in this same book, Deuteronomy, that Moses mentions the importance of educating our children a total of six times. This places the emphasis and importance of pouring into our children at the forefront of our minds.

4. Reminds us as parents that we are imperfect vessels of God.

Imperfect parenting is to be expected and should not be frowned upon. The Bible reminds us that we are human – only God is perfect. Psalm 127:3 tells us, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Parents must remember that children are not trophies, but rewards reflective of our accomplishments from our Father God. They are an extension of who we are – perfectly imperfect procreations of humankind.

As parents, we fail at many things in our roles as parents and it is through God and the Word that we are put back on track. God fills the valleys with His holy waters so that we will understand and receive our guidance in parenting as we are advised through His words.


Parenting is a gift from God. As a parent, we are imperfect and just as we learn in all areas of our lives, we work towards mastering parenting through trial and error. However, we must remember that God provides His parenting guide with countless play calls in the Bible; we must open and read it in order to raise our children as our Father God desires us to.

Go to God with complete trust and know that He loves us. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14). No matter how many times it might take, parents, remember God’s Word guides us faithfully and tirelessly in every area of our lives and our children’s lives.

Never forget that we are imperfect, but we must use God’s messages to direct us towards His plan for us and our children.

Read the Word.

Share the Word.

Guide your children towards God.


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